我让它工作了,但我不想通过它的 HTTP 地址链接 php 文件,而只是相对于 .swf 文件的路径(只是 myFile.php 或 path/myFile.php)。
AS3 file:
NewRequest = new URLRequest("numOnline.php");
var numberOfVisitors:int = 10;
var NewRequest:URLRequest;
var UrlLoader:URLLoader;
UrlLoader = new URLLoader();
UrlLoader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.TEXT;
UrlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoaded);
function onLoaded(e:Event):void {
numberOfVisitors = int(e.target.data);
我将 As3 接收的文本转换为 int,因为我还不知道如何发送 veria
.php 文件
main PHP file (the file that as3 connects to):
include_once 'config.php'; //This file would contain the variables needed to connect to the database with $link, below
include_once 'functions.php'; //We include the functions we have created
$database = "online";
$link = mysql_connect($server, $db_user, $db_pass)or die ("Could not connect to mysql because ".mysql_error());
mysql_select_db($database)or die ("Could not select database because ".mysql_error());
usersOnline(5); //We call the usersOnline function with a time span of 5 minutes
showUsersOnline(1); //Show the number of users online, and the list of users
函数文件发送在线访问者的数量echo $count;