我正在尝试获取库中多个选定项目的项目 ID。当仅选择一个项目时,还会在浏览器中选择一个图像版本,因此我可以通过以下方式访问 id:

tell application "Aperture"
    tell item 1 of (selection as list) to set projId to parent's id
end tell

However, when multiple projects are selected, no image version is selected in the browser so the above will not work. 我知道我可以求助于 UI 来选择一张图片,然后循环提取 id,但我想避免这样做。

activate application "Aperture"
tell application "System Events"
    tell process "Aperture"
        keystroke (ASCII character 29) -- Right
    end tell
end tell

在 Aperture 中获取所选项目或项目的项目 ID 的最佳方法是什么?


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