我正在将 PHP 应用程序从 MySQL 转换为 DB2,IBM_DB2 和 MySQL PHP 扩展之间似乎存在一些我无法理解或解决的不同之处。
,即使返回的记录集存储为对象属性并且在稍后调用时仍返回资源 ID 号。
下面方法的调用无法返回记录集中的下一行?这在 MySQL 中运行良好。
class TestClass
public $result; //Holds the record set returned from a query
public $sql; //Holds the value of the last sql query sent
function goQuery($sql)
$this->sql = $sql;
if($con = db2_connect("MASTER", "DB2USER", "DB2PASSWORD"))
echo "<li>Connected to master database</li>";
if($this->result = db2_exec($con, $sql))
echo "<li>SQL Query ran successfully</li>";
//Just proving some data can be returned as this point
$row = db2_fetch_assoc($this->result);
if(sizeof($row) > 0)
echo "<li>db2_fetch_assoc returned a record in the resultset (Resource ID: " . $this->result . ") that has " . sizeof($row) . " fields</li>";
//Just proving some data can be returned as this point
$row = $this->getNextRow();
if(sizeof($row) > 0)
echo "<li>getNextRow() returned a record in the resultset (Resource ID: " . $this->result . ") the has " . sizeof($row) . " fields</li>";
function getNextRow()
if($row = db2_fetch_assoc($this->result))
return $row;
echo "<li>No results found in " . $this->result . "</li>";
$q = new TestClass();
echo "<h2>Running query TestClass->goQuery()</h2>";
echo "<ul>";
$q->goQuery("SELECT * FROM users");
echo "</ul>";
echo "<h2>Trying to fetch a result using TestClass->getNextRow()</h2>";
echo "<ul>";
$row = $q->getNextRow();
echo "</ul>";
Running query TestClass->goQuery()
Connected to master database
SQL Query ran successfully
db2_fetch_assoc returned a record in the resultset (Resource ID: Resource id #12) that has 25 fields
getNextRow() returned a record in the resultset (Resource ID: Resource id #12) the has 25 fields
Trying to fetch a result using TestClass->getNextRow()
No results found in Resource id #12