我正在为我的计算机课制作一个类似 pac man 的程序,这就是我到目前为止所拥有的......我想在程序中添加幽灵。但我不知道如何做到这一点,以便程序不会停止一切并等待用户输入。就像我使用 c.getchar() 时一样,它会停止程序并等待用户输入。还有什么我可以使用的不会停止程序的东西,所以鬼可能会追逐吃豆人……请帮忙!
// The "Pac_man" class.
import java.awt.*;
import hsa.Console;
public class Pac_man
static Console c; // The output console
public static void main (String[] args)
c = new Console ();
int outline_x = 189, outline_y = 99, body_x = 190, body_y = 100, eye_x = 208, eye_y = 106, outline_position_x = 26;
int body_position_x = 30, p = 1, point_x = 0, point_y = 0, run_time = 0, score = 0, random_number, life = 3;
char key_entered;
redraw (score, outline_x, outline_y, outline_position_x, body_x, body_y, body_position_x, life);
c.fillOval (eye_x, eye_y, 4, 4); // eye
key_entered = c.getChar();
if (key_entered == 'd' || key_entered == 'D')
outline_x = outline_x + 10;
body_x = body_x + 10;
eye_x = eye_x + 10;
outline_position_x = 26;
body_position_x = 30;
redraw (score, outline_x, outline_y, outline_position_x, body_x, body_y, body_position_x, life);
c.fillOval (eye_x, eye_y-1, 4, 4); // eye
if (key_entered == 'a' || key_entered == 'A')
outline_x = outline_x - 10;
body_x = body_x - 10;
eye_x = eye_x - 10;
outline_position_x = 206;
body_position_x = 210;
redraw (score, outline_x, outline_y, outline_position_x, body_x, body_y, body_position_x, life);
c.fillOval (eye_x-6, eye_y, 4, 4); // eye
if (key_entered == 'w' || key_entered == 'W')
outline_y = outline_y - 10;
body_y = body_y - 10;
eye_y = eye_y - 10;
outline_position_x = 116;
body_position_x = 120;
redraw (score, outline_x, outline_y, outline_position_x, body_x, body_y, body_position_x, life);
c.fillOval (eye_x+2, eye_y+2, 4, 4); // eye
if (key_entered == 's' || key_entered == 'S')
outline_y = outline_y + 10;
body_y = body_y + 10;
eye_y = eye_y + 10;
outline_position_x = 296;
body_position_x = 300;
redraw (score, outline_x, outline_y, outline_position_x, body_x, body_y, body_position_x, life);
c.fillOval (eye_x+3, eye_y+8, 4, 4); // eye
if (key_entered == 'p' || key_entered == 'P')
c.setColor (Color.blue);
Font f2 = new Font ("Freestyle Script", Font.BOLD, 56);
c.setFont (f2);
c.drawString ("GAME PAUSED", 173, 250);
for (int i = 1; p == i ; i++)
key_entered = c.getChar();
if (key_entered == 'p' || key_entered == 'P')
p = 0;
redraw (score, outline_x, outline_y, outline_position_x, body_x, body_y, body_position_x, life);
c.fillOval (eye_x, eye_y, 4, 4); // eye
c.setColor (Color.black);
p = 1;
random_number = (int) (Math.random()* 100)+1;
//point start
if (run_time == score)
point_x = (int)(Math.random() * 1000) + 1;
while (point_x < 65 || point_x > 546);
point_y = (int)(Math.random() * 1000) + 1;
while (point_y < 90 || point_y > 430);
run_time ++;
c.setColor (Color.green);
c.fillOval (point_x, point_y, 8, 8);
// point end
if (outline_x > (point_x-32) && outline_x < (point_x+4) && outline_y > (point_y-29) && outline_y < (point_y+7))
score = score + 1;
if (outline_x < 59)
outline_x = 548;
body_x = 548;
eye_x = 569;
if (outline_x > 549)
outline_x = 60;
body_x = 60;
eye_x = 78;
if (outline_y < 89)
outline_y = 419;
body_y = 419;
eye_y = 425;
if (outline_y > 420)
outline_y = 90;
body_y = 90;
eye_y = 98;
while (1 == 1);
} // main method
public static void background ()
c.setColor (new Color (0, 0, 0));
c.fillRect (0, 0, 640, 500);
c.setColor (new Color (35, 47, 210));
Font f3 = new Font ("Footlight MT Light", Font.BOLD, 16);
c.setFont (f3);
c.drawString ("a = move left", 10, 485);
c.drawString ("d = move right", 125, 485);
c.drawString ("s = move down", 255, 485);
c.drawString ("w = move up", 385, 485);
c.drawString ("p = pause game", 500, 485);
public static void redraw (int score, int outline_x, int outline_y, int outline_position_x, int body_x, int body_y, int body_position_x, int life)
c.setColor (new Color (0, 0, 0));
c.fillRect (50, 50, 10, 400); // left border
c.fillRect (580, 50, 12, 400); // right border
c.fillRect (50, 450, 540, 15); // bottom border
c.fillRect (50, 40, 540, 10); // top border
c.setColor (new Color (35, 47, 210));
Font f2 = new Font ("Footlight MT Light", Font.BOLD, 45);
c.setFont (f2);
c.drawString ("Welcome to Pac-Man", 100, 37);
c.setColor (new Color (125, 23, 137));
c.fillRect (60, 50, 520, 400);
Font f3 = new Font ("Footlight MT Light", Font.BOLD, 24);
c.setFont (f3);
c.setColor (new Color (0, 0, 0));
c.drawString("SCORE : " + score, 61, 75);
c.drawString ("Lives :", 380, 75);
lives (life);
c.fillRect (50, 85, 550, 5);// line
c.setColor (Color.black);// pac man drawing begins
c.fillArc (outline_x, outline_y, 35, 35, outline_position_x, 320); // outline
c.setColor (Color.yellow);
c.fillArc (body_x, body_y, 32, 32, body_position_x, 310); // body
c.setColor (Color.black);// pac man drawing ends
public static int lives (int life)
int x1 = 470;
for (int i = 1; i <= life; i++)
c.setColor (Color.black);// pac man drawing begins
c.fillArc (x1, 55, 30, 30, 26, 320); // outline
c.setColor (Color.yellow);
c.fillArc (x1, 55, 28, 28, 30, 310); // body
c.setColor (Color.black);// pac man drawing begins
c.fillOval (x1+15, 59, 4, 4); // eye
return life;
} // Pac_man class