我知道 C# 中不存在该功能,但 PHP 最近添加了一个名为Traits的功能,起初我认为它有点傻,直到我开始考虑它。

假设我有一个名为Client. Client有一个名为 的属性Name


现在客户 A 过来并说他还需要跟踪客户的体重。客户 B 不需要体重,但他想跟踪身高。客户 C 想要同时跟踪体重和身高。


class ClientA extends Client use TClientWeight
class ClientB extends Client use TClientHeight
class ClientC extends Client use TClientWeight, TClientHeight


您将如何在 C# 中完成此任务?




8 回答 8




public class Client {
  public double Weight { get; }

  public double Height { get; }

public interface TClientWeight {
  double Weight { get; }

public interface TClientHeight {
  double Height { get; }

public class ClientA: Client, TClientWeight { }

public class ClientB: Client, TClientHeight { }

public class ClientC: Client, TClientWeight, TClientHeight { }

public static class TClientWeightMethods {
  public static bool IsHeavierThan(this TClientWeight client, double weight) {
    return client.Weight > weight;
  // add more methods as you see fit

public static class TClientHeightMethods {
  public static bool IsTallerThan(this TClientHeight client, double height) {
    return client.Height > height;
  // add more methods as you see fit


var ca = new ClientA();
ca.IsHeavierThan(10); // OK
ca.IsTallerThan(10); // compiler error


public interface IDynamicObject {
  bool TryGetAttribute(string key, out object value);
  void SetAttribute(string key, object value);
  // void RemoveAttribute(string key)

public class DynamicObject: IDynamicObject {
  private readonly Dictionary<string, object> data = new Dictionary<string, object>(StringComparer.Ordinal);

  bool IDynamicObject.TryGetAttribute(string key, out object value) {
    return data.TryGet(key, out value);

  void IDynamicObject.SetAttribute(string key, object value) {
    data[key] = value;


public class Client: DynamicObject { /* implementation see above */ }

public interface TClientWeight, IDynamicObject {
  double Weight { get; }

public class ClientA: Client, TClientWeight { }

public static class TClientWeightMethods {
  public static bool HasWeightChanged(this TClientWeight client) {
    object oldWeight;
    bool result = client.TryGetAttribute("oldWeight", out oldWeight) && client.Weight.Equals(oldWeight);
    client.SetAttribute("oldWeight", client.Weight);
    return result;
  // add more methods as you see fit

注意:通过实现IDynamicMetaObjectProvider该对象甚至允许通过 DLR 公开动态数据,从而在与dynamic关键字一起使用时使对附加属性的访问变得透明。

于 2012-05-23T23:36:44.897 回答

Traits 可以通过使用默认接口方法在 C# 8 中实现。出于这个原因,Java 8 也引入了默认接口方法。

使用 C# 8,您几乎可以写出您在问题中提出的内容。这些特征由 IClientWeight、IClientHeight 接口实现,这些接口为其方法提供默认实现。在这种情况下,它们只返回 0:

public interface IClientWeight
    int getWeight()=>0;

public interface IClientHeight
    int getHeight()=>0;

public class Client
    public String Name {get;set;}

ClientAClientB具有特征但不实现它们。ClientC 仅实现IClientHeight并返回不同的数字,在本例中为 16 :

class ClientA : Client, IClientWeight{}
class ClientB : Client, IClientHeight{}
class ClientC : Client, IClientWeight, IClientHeight
    public int getHeight()=>16;


ClientC 实现了 IClientHeight 接口,因此调用了它自己的方法。该方法可通过类本身获得。

public class C {
    public void M() {        
        //Accessed through the interface
        IClientHeight clientB = new ClientB();        

        //Accessed directly or through the class
        var clientC = new ClientC();        

此 SharpLab.io 示例显示了从此示例生成的代码

PHP 特性概述中描述的许多特性特性都可以使用默认接口方法轻松实现。可以组合特征(接口)。也可以定义抽象方法来强制类实现某些要求。

假设我们希望我们的特征具有返回具有高度或重量的字符串的方法sayHeight()sayWeight()他们需要某种方法来强制展示类(从 PHP 指南中窃取的术语)来实现返回身高和体重的方法:

public interface IClientWeight
    abstract int getWeight();
    String sayWeight()=>getWeight().ToString();

public interface IClientHeight
    abstract int getHeight();
    String sayHeight()=>getHeight().ToString();

//Combines both traits
public interface IClientBoth:IClientHeight,IClientWeight{}

客户端现在必须实现 thetgetHeight()getWeight()方法,但不需要了解有关say方法的任何信息。


此示例的SharpLab.io 链接

于 2018-11-23T16:44:18.540 回答

C#语言(至少到版本 5)不支持 Traits。

但是,Scala 具有 Traits 并且 Scala 在 JVM(和 CLR)上运行。因此,这不是运行时的问题,而只是语言的问题。

考虑到 Traits,至少在 Scala 意义上,可以被认为是“在代理方法中编译的神奇魔法”(它们不会影响 MRO,这与 Ruby 中的 Mixins 不同)。在 C# 中,获得这种行为的方法是使用接口和“大量手动代理方法”(例如组合)。

这个繁琐的过程可以用一个假设的处理器来完成(也许通过模板为部分类自动生成代码?),但这不是 C#。


于 2012-05-23T23:30:36.953 回答

我想指出NRoles ,这是一个C# 中的角色实验,其中角色类似于traits

NRoles 使用后编译器来重写 IL 并将方法注入到类中。这使您可以编写如下代码:

public class RSwitchable : Role
    private bool on = false;
    public void TurnOn() { on = true; }
    public void TurnOff() { on = false; }
    public bool IsOn { get { return on; } }
    public bool IsOff { get { return !on; } }

public class RTunable : Role
    public int Channel { get; private set; }
    public void Seek(int step) { Channel += step; }

public class Radio : Does<RSwitchable>, Does<RTunable> { }

其中类Radio实现RSwitchableRTunable。在幕后,Does<R>是一个没有成员的接口,所以基本上Radio编译成一个空类。编译后 IL 重写将RSwitchableRTunableinto 的方法注入Radio,然后可以像真的从两个角色(来自另一个程序集)派生一样使用它们:

var radio = new Radio();




于 2014-09-02T09:09:22.650 回答

有一个由伯尔尼大学(瑞士)软件组合小组的 Stefan Reichart 开发的学术项目,它提供了C# 语言特征的真正实现。

查看CSharpT 上的论文 (PDF),了解基于 mono 编译器的他所做工作的完整描述。


trait TCircle
    public int Radius { get; set; }
    public int Surface { get { ... } }

trait TColor { ... }

class MyCircle
    uses { TCircle; TColor }
于 2014-09-02T09:14:23.183 回答

这确实是对 Lucero 答案的建议扩展,其中所有存储都在基类中。



using System.Windows;

public class Client : DependencyObject
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public Client(string name)
        Name = name;

    //add to descendant to use
    //public double Weight
    //    get { return (double)GetValue(WeightProperty); }
    //    set { SetValue(WeightProperty, value); }

    public static readonly DependencyProperty WeightProperty =
        DependencyProperty.Register("Weight", typeof(double), typeof(Client), new PropertyMetadata());

    //add to descendant to use
    //public double Height
    //    get { return (double)GetValue(HeightProperty); }
    //    set { SetValue(HeightProperty, value); }

    public static readonly DependencyProperty HeightProperty =
        DependencyProperty.Register("Height", typeof(double), typeof(Client), new PropertyMetadata());

public interface IWeight
    double Weight { get; set; }

public interface IHeight
    double Height { get; set; }

public class ClientA : Client, IWeight
    public double Weight
        get { return (double)GetValue(WeightProperty); }
        set { SetValue(WeightProperty, value); }

    public ClientA(string name, double weight)
        : base(name)
        Weight = weight;

public class ClientB : Client, IHeight
    public double Height
        get { return (double)GetValue(HeightProperty); }
        set { SetValue(HeightProperty, value); }

    public ClientB(string name, double height)
        : base(name)
        Height = height;

public class ClientC : Client, IHeight, IWeight
    public double Height
        get { return (double)GetValue(HeightProperty); }
        set { SetValue(HeightProperty, value); }

    public double Weight
        get { return (double)GetValue(WeightProperty); }
        set { SetValue(WeightProperty, value); }

    public ClientC(string name, double weight, double height)
        : base(name)
        Weight = weight;
        Height = height;


public static class ClientExt
    public static double HeightInches(this IHeight client)
        return client.Height * 39.3700787;

    public static double WeightPounds(this IWeight client)
        return client.Weight * 2.20462262;
于 2012-05-24T10:57:19.280 回答

基于Lucero 的建议,我想出了这个:

internal class Program
    private static void Main(string[] args)
        var a = new ClientA("Adam", 68);
        var b = new ClientB("Bob", 1.75);
        var c = new ClientC("Cheryl", 54.4, 1.65);

        Console.WriteLine("{0} is {1:0.0} lbs.", a.Name, a.WeightPounds());
        Console.WriteLine("{0} is {1:0.0} inches tall.", b.Name, b.HeightInches());
        Console.WriteLine("{0} is {1:0.0} lbs and {2:0.0} inches.", c.Name, c.WeightPounds(), c.HeightInches());

public class Client
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public Client(string name)
        Name = name;

public interface IWeight
    double Weight { get; set; }

public interface IHeight
    double Height { get; set; }

public class ClientA : Client, IWeight
    public double Weight { get; set; }
    public ClientA(string name, double weight) : base(name)
        Weight = weight;

public class ClientB : Client, IHeight
    public double Height { get; set; }
    public ClientB(string name, double height) : base(name)
        Height = height;

public class ClientC : Client, IWeight, IHeight
    public double Weight { get; set; }
    public double Height { get; set; }
    public ClientC(string name, double weight, double height) : base(name)
        Weight = weight;
        Height = height;

public static class ClientExt
    public static double HeightInches(this IHeight client)
        return client.Height * 39.3700787;

    public static double WeightPounds(this IWeight client)
        return client.Weight * 2.20462262;


Adam is 149.9 lbs.
Bob is 68.9 inches tall.
Cheryl is 119.9 lbs and 65.0 inches.


于 2015-03-30T20:05:48.107 回答

这听起来像是 PHP 的面向方面编程的版本。在某些情况下,有一些工具可以提供帮助,例如 PostSharp 或 MS Unity。如果你想自己动手,使用 C# 属性的代码注入是一种方法,或者作为有限情况的建议扩展方法。


于 2012-05-23T23:59:04.437 回答