我正在尝试实现基本的 http 身份验证,但我需要根据已通过身份验证的帐户的状态返回不同的 HTTP 状态代码。我正在使用 Sinatra 来托管 API,这就是我的应用程序的样子:
require 'rubygems'
require 'bundler/setup'
require 'sinatra'
require 'active_record'
require 'openssl'
# Define the paths that the application responds to, and include the authentication mechanism to provide
# basic HTTP authentication using the Rack middleware.
use Rack::Auth::Basic do |username, password|
result = LoginApi::User.authenticate(username, password)
# Check the status of the user we just authenticated. If he is banned or unverified then we
# need to return special responses.
throw :halt, [403, 'User is banned'] if LoginApi::AuthUser.user.banned?
throw :halt, [412, 'User is not verified'] unless LoginApi::AuthUser.user.verified?
# Return the result if no exceptions were raised in the meanwhile
# This action responds on the root of the application and will return the basic authentication of a User
# in the headers. This is done by Rack::Auth, which requires the credentials to be sent in the initial
# call so they can be verified by the application
get '/' do
headers \
"X-UserID" => "#{LoginApi::AuthUser.user.id}|",
"X-P1" => "#{LoginApi::AuthUser.p1}",
"X-P2" => "#{LoginApi::AuthUser.p2}"
所以基本上,它返回一个状态 200 表示 ok 身份验证,403 表示被禁止的用户,412 表示未验证的用户,如果身份验证失败则返回 400。
问题是我无法让我的测试正常工作。正常身份验证的测试工作正常并通过,但需要检查自定义 HTTP 状态响应的测试失败,并出现以下错误:
ArgumentError: uncaught throw :halt ./app.rb:23:in
throw' ./app.rb:23:in
block in ' ./features/step_definitions/when_steps.rb:8:in/^I make the call to the API$/' ./features/banned.feature:8:in
当我调用 API 时跳过步骤