我开始使用 javascript。我认为这个问题仅与 javascript 有关,但它涉及 PhoneGap 和 WebSQL。我的问题和我想做的在代码注释中。
var MyDatabase = function() {
if (!(this instanceof MyDatabase)) return new MyDatabase();
MyDatabase.prototype = {
db: window.openDatabase("my_database", "1.0", "My Database", 5000000),
getAllPosts: function(callback) {
var query = "SELECT * FROM posts",
that = this,
function onSuccess (transaction, resultSet) {
console.log('get posts with success.');
result = resultSet.rows; // I think this should work, but it doesn't
if (typeof callback === 'function') callback.call(that, result);
function onError(transaction, error) {
this.db.transaction(function(t){ t.executeSql(query, [], onSuccess, onError) });
return result; // result still undefined
// Imagine that the posts table are created and has some rows seted.
var database = MyDatabase();
// The callback works fine.
database.getAllPosts(function(result) {
// do something with result.
// SQLResultSetRowList
// But in some cases I want to do this and I get result as undefined =(
var result = database.getAllPosts();