,它将与 Google Search API 交互并返回搜索结果。我可以发送一个搜索请求并得到一个带有 200 OK 代码和一些标题文本的响应,但是没有搜索结果。难道我做错了什么?
#include sys/socket.h
#include sys/types.h
#include netinet/in.h
#include netdb.h
#include stdio.h
#include string.h
#include stdlib.h
#include unistd.h
#include errno.h
#include openssl/rand.h
#include openssl/ssl.h
#include openssl/err.h
// Simple structure to keep track of the handle, and
// of what needs to be freed later.
typedef struct {
int socket;
SSL *sslHandle;
SSL_CTX *sslContext;
} connection;
// For this example, we'll be testing on openssl.org
#define KEY "/customsearch/v1?key=AIzaSyAOdB5MgAEmvzglw05rR1OPYEYgFuZrT9o&cx=003397780648636422832:u25rx3s92ro&q="
#define SERVER "www.googleapis.com"
#define PORT 443
// Establish a regular tcp connection
int tcpConnect ()
int error, handle;
struct hostent *host;
struct sockaddr_in server;
host = gethostbyname (SERVER);
handle = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (handle == -1)
perror ("Socket");
handle = 0;
server.sin_family = AF_INET;
server.sin_port = htons (PORT);
server.sin_addr = *((struct in_addr *) host->h_addr);
bzero (&(server.sin_zero), 8);
error = connect (handle, (struct sockaddr *) &server,
sizeof (struct sockaddr));
if (error == -1)
perror ("Connect");
handle = 0;
return handle;
// Establish a connection using an SSL layer
connection *sslConnect (void)
connection *c;
c = malloc (sizeof (connection));
c->sslHandle = NULL;
c->sslContext = NULL;
c->socket = tcpConnect ();
if (c->socket)
// Register the error strings for libcrypto & libssl
SSL_load_error_strings ();
// Register the available ciphers and digests
SSL_library_init ();
// New context saying we are a client, and using SSL 2 or 3
c->sslContext = SSL_CTX_new (SSLv23_client_method ());
if (c->sslContext == NULL)
ERR_print_errors_fp (stderr);
// Create an SSL struct for the connection
c->sslHandle = SSL_new (c->sslContext);
if (c->sslHandle == NULL)
ERR_print_errors_fp (stderr);
// Connect the SSL struct to our connection
if (!SSL_set_fd (c->sslHandle, c->socket))
ERR_print_errors_fp (stderr);
// Initiate SSL handshake
if (SSL_connect (c->sslHandle) != 1)
ERR_print_errors_fp (stderr);
perror ("Connect failed");
return c;
// Disconnect & free connection struct
void sslDisconnect (connection *c)
if (c->socket)
close (c->socket);
if (c->sslHandle)
SSL_shutdown (c->sslHandle);
SSL_free (c->sslHandle);
if (c->sslContext)
SSL_CTX_free (c->sslContext);
free (c);
// Read all available text from the connection
char *sslRead (connection *c)
const int readSize = 2048;
char *rc = NULL;
int received, count = 0;
char buffer[2048];
if (c)
while (1)
if (!rc)
rc = malloc (readSize * sizeof (char) + 1);
rc = realloc (rc, (count + 1) *
readSize * sizeof (char) + 1);
received = SSL_read (c->sslHandle, buffer, readSize);
buffer[received] = '\0';
if (received > 0)
strcat (rc, buffer);
if (received < readSize)
return rc;
// Write text to the connection
void sslWrite (connection *c, char *text)
if (c)
SSL_write (c->sslHandle, text, strlen (text)
// Very basic main: we send GET / and print the response.
int main (int argc, char **argv)
connection *c;
char *response;
char request[512]="";
c = sslConnect ();
sprintf(request, "GET https://%s%s%s\r\n\r\n", SERVER, KEY, argv[1]);
printf("%s", request);
sslWrite (c, request);
response = sslRead (c);
printf ("%s\n", response);
sslDisconnect (c);
free (response);
return 0;
这是我的结果(运行“app_name 炉”):
¸h ÆÁ*HTTP/1.0 200 OK
过期:2012 年 5 月 23 日星期三 05:49:58 GMT
日期:格林威治标准时间 2012 年 5 月 23 日星期三 05:49:58
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff