I need a ReadWriteLock that is NOT reentrant, because the lock may be released by a different thread than the one that acquired it. (I realized this when I started to get IllegalMonitorStateException intermittently.)

I'm not sure if non-reentrant is the right term. A ReentrantLock allows the thread that currently holds to lock to acquire it again. I do NOT want this behaviour, therefore I'm calling it "non-reentrant".

The context is that I have a socket server using a thread pool. There is NOT a thread per connection. Requests may get handled by different threads. A client connection may need to lock in one request and unlock in another request. Since the requests may be handled by different threads, I need to be able to lock and unlock in different threads.

Assume for the sake of this question that I need to stay with this configuration and that I do really need to lock and unlock in different requests and therefore possibly different threads.

It's a ReadWriteLock because I need to allow multiple "readers" OR an exclusive "writer".

It looks like this could be written using AbstractQueuedSynchronizer but I'm afraid if I write it myself I'll make some subtle mistake. I can find various examples of using AbstractQueuedSynchronizer but not a ReadWriteLock.

I could take the OpenJDK ReentrantReadWriteLock source and try to remove the reentrant part but again I'm afraid I wouldn't get it quite right.

I've looked in Guava and Apache Commons but didn't find anything suitable. Apache Commons has RWLockManager which might do what I need but I'm not sure and it seems more complex than I need.


4 回答 4


A Semaphore allows different threads to perform the acquire and release of permits. An exclusive write is equivalent to having all of the permits, as the thread waits until all have been released and no additional permits can be acquired by other threads.

final int PERMITS = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
Semaphore semaphore = new Semaphore(PERMITS);

// read
try { ... }
finally {

// write
try { ... }
finally {
于 2012-05-23T01:33:44.807 回答

I know you've already accepted another answer. But I still think that you are going to create quite a nightmare for yourself. Eventually, a client is going to fail to come back and release those permits and you'll begin to wonder why the "writer" never writes.

If I were doing it, I would do it like this:

Client issues a request to start a transaction
The initial request creates a task (Runnable/Callable) and places it in an Executor for execution
The initial request also registers that task in a Map by transaction id

Client issues the second request to close the transaction
The close request finds the task by transaction id in a map
The close request calls a method on the task to indicate that it should close (probably a signal on a Condition or if data needs to be passed, placing an object in a BlockingQueue)

Now, the transaction task would have code like this:

public void run() {
    try {
        //do stuff for initializing this transaction
        if (condition.await(someDurationAsLong, someTimeUnit)( {
            //do the rest of the transaction stuff
        } else {
            //do some other stuff to back out the transaction
    } finally {
于 2012-05-23T21:14:49.423 回答

Not entirely sure what you need, esp. why it should be a read write lock, but if you have task that need to be handled by many threads, and you don't want it to be processesd/accessed concurrently, I'd use actually a ConcurrentMap ( etc.).

You can remove the task from the map or substitute it with a special "lock object" to indicate it's locked. You could return the task with an updated state to the map to let another thread take over, or alternatively you can pass the task directly to the next thread and let it return the task to the map instead.

于 2012-05-22T23:53:33.240 回答

They seem to have dropped the ball on this one by deprecating com.sun.corba.se.impl.orbutil.concurrent.Mutex;

I mean who in his right mind thinks that we won't need non-reentrant locks. Here we are, wasting our times arguing over the definition of reentrant (can slighty change in meaning per framework btw). Yes I want to tryLock on the same thread is that such a bad thing? it won't deadlock because ill else out of it. A non-reentrant lock that locks in the same thread can be very usefull to prevent errors on GUI apps where the user presses on the same button rapidly and repeatedly. Been there, done that, QT was right...again.

于 2015-05-08T20:55:06.623 回答