我有一个简单的搜索脚本,它接受用户输入并跨目录和文件进行搜索,并且只列出找到它的文件。我想要做的是能够在找到匹配项时,抓住它上面的 4 行,然后它下面的3行并打印它。所以,可以说我有。
"a;lskdj a;sdkjfa;klsjdf a aa;ksjd a;kjaf ;;jk;kj asdfjjasdjjfajsd jdjd
jdjajsdf<blah></blah> ok ok okasdfa stes test tes tes test test<br>
blah blah blah ok, I vouch for the sincerity of my post all day long.
Even though I can sometimes be a little crass.
I would only know the blue moon of pandora if I saw it. I heard tales of long ago
times in which .. blah blah
<some html>whatever some number 76854</some html>
running thru files of grass etc.. ===> more info
whatever more "
假设我想找到“76854”,它将打印或存储在一个数组中,这样我就可以打印在 dirs/files 中找到的所有匹配项。
*Match found:*
**I would only know the blue moon of pandora if I saw it. I heard tales of long ago
times in which .. blah blah
<some html>whatever whatever</some html>
running thru files of grass etc.. ===> more info
whatever more**
if ($args->{'keyword'}){
if($keyword =~ /^\d+$/){
print "Your Results are as Follows:\n";
find( sub
local $/;
return if ($_ =~ /^\./);
return unless ($_ =~ /\.html$/i);
stat $File::Find::name;
return if -d; #is the current file a director?
return unless -r; # is the file readable?
open(FILE, "< $File::Find::name") or return;
my $string = <FILE>;
close (FILE);
print "$keyword\n";
if(grep /$keyword/, $string){
push(@resultholder, $File::Find::name);
print "Results: @resultholder\n";
print "\n\n ERROR\n";
print "*************************************\n\n";
print "Seems Your Entry was in the wrong format \n\n";
print "*************************************\n\n";