
number          pair        atom       count         shift      error
 1            ALA ALA       CA         7624           1.35           0.13
 1            ALA ALA       HA         7494          19.67          11.44
38            ARG LYS       CA         3395          35.32           9.52
38            ARG LYS       HA         3217           1.19           0.38
38            ARG LYS       CB         3061           0.54           1.47
39            ARG MET       CA         1115          35.62          13.08
39            ARG MET       HA         1018           1.93           0.20
39            ARG MET       CB          976           1.80           0.34

我想要做的是使用它们的原子值绘制包含原子 CA 和 CB 的行。所以基本上我想做:

atomtypemask_ca = data['atom'] == 'CA'
xaxis = np.array(data['shift'][atomtypemask_ca])
aa, atom = data['aa'][atomtypemask_ca], data['atom'][atomtypemask_ca]

atomtypemask_cb = data['atom'] == 'CB'
yaxis = np.array(data['shift'][atomtypemask_cb])

plot (xaxis, yaxis)

破坏我的一天的原因是某些值没有 CB 条目。我如何绘制这种东西,忽略只设置了两个原子值之一的条目?我当然可以对其进行编程,但我认为这应该可以使用掩码来实现,从而产生更清晰的代码。


1 回答 1



In : residues
Out: array([ 1,  1, 38, 38, 38, 39, 39, 39])

In : atom
array(['CA', 'HA', 'CA', 'HA', 'CB', 'CA', 'HA', 'CB'], 

In : shift
Out: array([7624, 7494, 3395, 3217, 3061, 1115, 1018,  976])

# rows with name 'CB'
In : cb = atom=='CB'

# rows with name 'CA' _and_ residues same as 'CB'
In : ca = numpy.logical_and(numpy.in1d(residues, residues[cb]), atom=='CA')
# or if in1d is not available
# ca = numpy.logical_and([(residue in residues[cb]) for residue in residues], atom=='CA')

In : shift[ca]
Out: array([3395, 1115])

In : shift[cb]
Out: array([3061,  976])
于 2012-05-22T10:24:09.597 回答