I have this xpath: //*[@id="someId::button"]
Pressing it shows a dropdown list of values.
Now, I know all the elements in the list have an id like this :
, where INDEX is a number from 1 to whatever the number of options are.
I also know the value which I must click.
One question would be: since I will always know the id of the button which generates the dropdown, can I get all the elements in the dropdown with a reusable method? (I need to interact with more than one dropdown)
The way I thought about it is: get the root of the initial ID, as in:
then add the rest : --popup::popupItem
. I also need to add the index and I thought I could use a try block (in order to get though the exceptions when I give a bigger than expected index) like this:
for(int index=1;index<someBiggerThanExpectedNumber;index++){
WebElement aux= driver.findElement(By.xpath(builtString+index+"\"]"));
}catch(Exception e){}
Note that I am using the webdriver api and java.
I would like to know if this would work and if there is an easier way of doing this, given the initial information I have.
EDIT: The way I suggested works, but for an easier solution, the accepted answer should be seen