I'm trying to get a screen in silverlight where the user can enter their own text and add line breaks as neccesary. The problem is that whenever they hit return inside of a text block, nothing happens. Is there some way around this?
I'm trying to get a screen in silverlight where the user can enter their own text and add line breaks as neccesary. The problem is that whenever they hit return inside of a text block, nothing happens. Is there some way around this?
Nevermind, I figured out you needed to set the AcceptsReturn property to true.
[Edit: For whoever voted my answer down -- the question was "how do you capture enter in a text block". The text block element does not have an AcceptsReturn attribute.]
You should be able to trap for the Enter key and insert a newline character.
private string textBuffer = "";
private void TextBlock_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
if (e.Key == Key.Enter)
textBuffer += Environment.NewLine;
textBuffer += e.Key.ToString();
Text.Text = textBuffer;
e.Handled = true;
About the answer from another Timothy, TextBlock is not for typing. Are you sure you really don't want to use a TextBox instead?