我正在尝试在 ColudFoundry 上部署我的普通 PHP 应用程序……但我不知道我应该遵循哪些具体步骤?任何人都请帮我在 CloudFoundry 上部署它。


2 回答 2


您是否尝试将 PHP 应用程序部署到 CloudFoundry.com?如果是这样,则此处未启用 PHP。PHP 支持位于https://github.com/cloudfoundry的开源项目和一些使用 Cloud Foundry 的 PaaS 提供商,例如 AppFog:http ://appfog.com/

您可以通过运行来检查 PHP 是否是可用的运行时vmc runtimes

有关将 PHP 应用程序部署到支持它的 Cloud Foundry 实例的一般说明: https ://github.com/cloudfoundry/oss-docs/tree/master/vcap/php_support

于 2012-05-23T18:10:17.090 回答

CloudFoundry.com does not have support for all that is checked into CloudFoundry.org but there are other Cloud Foundry providers that provide more cutting edge services.

http://appfog.com/ provides PHP and Python support built-in, as well as languages like Java, Node, and Ruby.

AppFog was also the company who contributed PHP support to Cloud Foundry and has the benefit of running in US, EU, and Asia.

于 2012-06-02T05:16:38.103 回答