<title>Retrieve Relationships</title>
// Connect to database server
mysql_connect("latcs7.cs.latrobe.edu.au","12ice06","EsnYkuxuwh9RbtQuRcQt") or die (mysql_error ());
// Select database
mysql_select_db("12ice06") or die(mysql_error());
// Get data from the database depending on the value of the id in the URL
$title = (isset($_GET['title']) && is_string($_GET['title'])) ? $_GET['title'] : null;
$sTitle = mysql_real_escape_string($title);
$strSQL = "SELECT R.bookone, B.title, B.author,
R.booktwo, B.title, B.author,
R.relation, R.relationlike, R.relationdislike
FROM relationships R
INNER JOIN books B ON R.bookone = B.bookid";
$rs = mysql_query($strSQL) or die(mysql_error());
// Loop the recordset $rs
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($rs)){
// Write the data of the book
echo "<dt>Book One:</dt><dd>" . $row["bookone"] . "</dd>";
echo "<dt>Title:</dt><dd>" . $row["title"] . "</dd>";
echo "<dt>Author:</dt><dd>" . $row["author"] . "</dd>";
echo "<dt>Book Two:</dt><dd>" . $row["booktwo"] . "</dd>";
echo "<dt>Title:</dt><dd>" . $row["title"] . "</dd>";
echo "<dt>Author:</dt><dd>" . $row["author"] . "</dd>";
echo "<dt>Relationship:</dt><dd>" . $row["relation"] . "</dd>";
echo "<dt>Likes:</dt><dd>" . $row["relationshiplikes"] . "</dd>";
echo "<dt>Dislikes:</dt><dd>" . $row["relationshipdislikes"] . "</dd>";
echo $strSQL;
// Close the database connection
<p><a href="search_bookl.php">Return to the list</a></p>