我回顾了一些类似的 GPS 问题。但似乎运气不太好。当我通过这种方法提取 GPS 时 - 它似乎提取了旧数据,即最后一次提取 GPS 的来源。有什么建议么?

这是一个简单的 javascript GPS 拉取 - 在请求时填充表单。

 <script type="text/javascript"> 

function getLocationConstant()
        watchID = navigator.geolocation.watchPosition(onGeoSuccess,onGeoError); 
    } else {
        alert("Your browser or device doesn't support Geolocation");

// Get a single location update
function getLocationConstant()
    } else {
        alert("Your browser or device doesn't support Geolocation");

// If we have a successful location update
function onGeoSuccess(event)
    document.getElementById("Latitude").value =  event.coords.latitude; 
    document.getElementById("Longitude").value = event.coords.longitude;


// If something has gone wrong with the geolocation request
function onGeoError(event)
    alert("Error code " + event.code + ". " + event.message);

 <div class=general align=center>
 <cfform action="gps_pull.cfm" method="post">
 <div align=center>
 <b>GPS Services Needs to be enabled on your device.</b>
 <br>With a GPS Capable Device - Choose "Get Location". Once the GPS data is pulled in, choose "Add GPS".
 <br><span class=code8>You may need to allow GPS Device time to pull current location</span>
 <table align=center>
 <td><cfinput type="text" id="Latitude" name="gpslat" value="" required="yes" message="Choose Get Location First"></td>
 <td><cfinput type="text" id="Longitude" name="gpslong" value=""></td>
 <td colspan=2 align=center><br><input type="button" value="Get Location" onclick="getLocationConstant()"/> &nbsp; <input type="submit" value="Add GPS"></td>
 <input type="hidden" name="src" value="gpsup">

2 回答 2


这也是我的代码。仍然拉旧数据,通常需要 3+ 拉才能获得正确的数据。使用 Android Samsung Galaxy S2 - 已尝试仅使用 GPS 模式和 GPS + 小区三角测量。而且通常仍然需要 3 次以上的拉取才能获得正确的数据。


 <script type="text/javascript"> 

// Get a single location update
function getLocationConstant()
    } else {
        alert("Your browser or device doesn't support Geolocation");

// If we have a successful location update
function onGeoSuccess(event)
    document.getElementById("Latitude").value =  event.coords.latitude; 
    document.getElementById("Longitude").value = event.coords.longitude;


// If something has gone wrong with the geolocation request
function onGeoError(event)
    alert("Error code " + event.code + ". " + event.message);
于 2012-05-24T15:56:49.757 回答

watchPosition 可以采用 options:watchPosition(onGeoSuccess,onGeoError,options);并且默认值为

options = { "enableHighAccuracy": false,
            "timeout"           : Infinity,
            "maximumAge"        : 0 }

enableHighAccuracy除非是,否则您的 GPS 设备可能不会记录位置的微小变化true。当它注意到位置变化时,onGeoSuccess再次调用。并且您可以通过重新创建手表来强制重新找到位置(但 GPS 保持的位置可能不会因为enableHighAccuracy设置而改变)。


于 2012-05-22T16:30:13.293 回答