您使用的控件用于读取 XML 文档,您需要这样的东西
'Create an xmlhttp object, the string depends on the version that is installed
'on your pc could eg also be "Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.5.0"
Set xmlhttp = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
xmlhttp.Open "GET", "http://admin:pasword@", False
wscript.echo text
Set xmlhttp = Nothing
在您的注册表中运行 XMLHTTP 搜索,以获取标识符的正确字符串/版本。
要从 html 中获取标签,您可以使用以下命令
text = "blabla <span>this is what i need</span> bla bla<span>second item</span> end"
function getElementsByTagName(sTextToSeachIn, tag)
answer = ""
separator = ""
set oRegExpre = new RegExp
with oRegExpre
.IgnoreCase = true
.Global = true
.MultiLine = True
.Pattern = "<" & tag & ">(.*?)</" & tag & ">"
end with
set oColMatches = oRegExpre.Execute(sTextToSeachIn)
for each match in oColMatches
answer = answer & separator & match.subMatches(0)
separator = "|" 'use something that's not in the spancontents
if separator <> "" then
getElementsByTagName = split(answer, separator)
getElementsByTagName = array()
end if
end function
for each tag in getElementsByTagName(text, "span")
wscript.echo tag
'=>this is what i need
'=>second item
有比 vbscript 更好的技术和更好的语言来做到这一点,我建议看看 Ruby,它在这些事情上表现出色。