我仍在学习 Backbone,发现很难处理模型/集合之间的关系。我有一个包含嵌套集合的相当复杂的结构(很像论坛系统,其中一个板可以有多个线程,可能有多个评论)。
基本上我正在尝试制作一个应用程序,它将为不同部分(标题、列表、表单等)内的多个选择器生成 CSS 代码。这是我认为有意义的结构:
// The selector model containing the styling properties
window.Selector = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
title: '',
classname: '',
locked: false,
comments: null,
properties: {},
code: null,
type: 'text',
edited: false
// The collection of selectors
window.Selectors = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Selector,
localStorage : new Store("selectors")
// A section that can contain multiple selectors
window.Section = Backbone.Model.extend({
name: '',
selectors : new Selectors
// The collection of sections
window.Sections = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model : Section,
localStorage : new Store("sections")
// The view that will display the available selectors in the HTML template
window.SelectorsCollectionView = Backbone.View.extend({
el : $('#selectors-collection-container'),
initialize : function() {
this.template = _.template( $('#selectors-collection-template').html() );
_.bindAll(this, 'render');
render : function() {
var renderedContent = this.template({ selectors : this.collection.toJSON() });
$( this.el ).html( renderedContent );
return this;
$(function() {
// Create the selectors available initially; they will be used
// by the view and put in the HTML template
var headings1 = new Selector({ title: 'h1', classname: 'alpha' });
var headings2 = new Selector({ title: 'h2', classname: 'beta' });
var headings3 = new Selector({ title: 'h3', classname: 'gamma' });
var headings4 = new Selector({ title: 'h4', classname: 'delta' });
var headings5 = new Selector({ title: 'h5', classname: 'epsilon' });
var headings6 = new Selector({ title: 'h6', classname: 'zeta' });
// Manually add the selectors to their collections
selectors = new Selectors().add([ headings1, headings2, headings3, headings4, headings5, headings6 ]);
// Now create a new section that will contain and represent
// the previous selectors collection
var headings = new Section({ name: 'headings' });
/* Now we should have something like this:
* Selectors: headings1 ... headings6
* Section: headings
// Now create another selector
var list_item = new Selector({ title: 'li', comments: 'default style for the list-items' });
// Manually add the list-item selector to a new collection
// that will belong to a different section
var selectors2 = new Selectors().add([ list_item ]);
// Add the list collection to it's section
var lists = new Section({ name: 'lists' });
// Finally create a sections collections containing
// all the different selector sections
var sections = new Sections().add([ headings, lists ]);
/* Now we should have something like this:
* Selectors: headings1 ... headings6
* Section: headings
* Selectors: list_item
* Section: lists
// Call the view and render the available selectors from the
// sections collection
var selectorsView = new SelectorsCollectionView({ collection : sections });