In the head section of my _Layout.cshtml page I have this line of code...
<script src="@System.Web.Optimization.BundleTable.Bundles.ResolveBundleUrl("~/Scripts/js")"></script>
I check the scripts directory and jquery-ui is in there just fine. I'm fairly new to MVC and especially MVC4. I've worked with 3 and I don't believe there was anything to do with Bundles from what I recall, or at least used. From what I get, this bundles up all the scripts into a tightly typed up text format taking out spaces and whatnot. So what I'm assuming is that jquery-ui is going to be added to each page since it's a shared page like a Master Page in Web Forms.
Now in my Index.cshtml file that uses this shared layout page I have at the top.
$(function () {
I've added a partial view with this code as well in my Index.cshtml file.
@Html.Partial("_SignUp", Model)
The partial view contains the field I'm trying to add it to. Unfortunately, it isn't adding the datepicker to the input field of type=text, and yes, the id="#DateOfBirth" for this field. What's the deal?
Edit: I do get this error - "Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'datepicker'