I have a flex android mobile application and I want to implement facebook's SSO.

I was reading facebook's android SSO tutorial and it said:

"You need to put your Android application signature into your Facebook app settings."

My application's signature was generated by ADT certificate:

adt -certificate -validityPeriod 25 -cn SelfSigned 1024-RSA file.pfx mypassword

But facebook suggests using keytool to export the key and that apparently requires an alias. Because doing the command below gives me an alias not found error:

keytool -exportcert -storetype pkcs12 -keystore file.pfx -storepass mypassword

How am I supposed to export my certificate?


1 回答 1


这样做的一个好技巧是不要这样做(哈哈!),让它失败(你需要安装 facebook 应用程序,如果它回退到 web auth,它就不会被使用)。当它失败时,它会将密钥打印到 logcat 输出中,您可以从那里获取它并将其放入您的 facebook 应用程序设置中。

于 2012-05-21T23:46:16.973 回答