I'm looking for a way to upload multiple images with description. Users will be uploading 1-10 images of quite a large size from cameras so it's better if the images get resized before upload.


  • browser compatible (including mobile browsers and IE), can rely on JavaScript (jQuery)
  • multiple files either as selection of multiple files in native file manager or at least having to click on some button to bring an input for another file
  • add a description to each file
  • resize files before upload (doesn't need to be browser compatible)
  • uploads on submit
  • keeps EXIF info or at least extracts GPS coordinates (could do it with some libraries I found)


  • can auto-rotate image before upload (using EXIF info)
  • shows thumbnail of selected image
  • drag & drop feature
  • progress bar

I use PHP on backend.

I guess HTML5 canvas might be suitable here. Or some jQuery plugin like blueimp's Jquery-File-Upload. But I don't have experience with more than simple <input type="file">s so I'm asking for your suggestions.



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披露:我是 Uploadcare 开发人员之一,发布此消息并不是为了无耻地推广该服务,而是因为它旨在解决此类案例。

于 2014-01-28T11:52:58.347 回答