I am constructiong an webapp with Google Web Toolkit using GWT-Platform and GWT-Bootstrap frameworks. Mostly it has been almost flawless until I tried to implement a popup. These frameworks' undestanding of popups seems to be quite different.
GWT-Platform expects a popup widget itself to be an instance of com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.PopupPanel
when using the GWTP's RevealRootPopupContentEvent.fire(source, content)
or a presenter's addToPopupSlot(child)
GWT-Bootstrap's Modal is used like any other widget that is added to the underlying panel but my goal is it to have a separate presenter and view and to possibly fetch it asynchrously with AsyncProvider.
I have tried to make it as a PresenterWidget and using addToSlot(slot, content)
to reveal it but it doesn't look quite right. Not all of the styles are applied this way and the close icon (×), doesn't work for example.
I think I am not the first one trying to do something like that so maybe someone has figured out a proper way to make it work.