我正在尝试使用 Qt creator 编译PythonQt,但它返回 163 错误。

C:\Users\Kato\Desktop\Qt projects\PythonQt-build-desktop-Qt_4_7_4_for_Desktop_-_MinGW_4_4__Qt_SDK__Debug\src....\PythonQt2.0.1\src\PythonQtStdDecorators.h:46: error: Python.h: No such file or目录


我安装了 python 3.2,并将 prf 文件更改为:

# profile to include and link Python

# Change this variable to your python version (2.5, 2.6)

macx {
# for macx you need to have the Python development kit installed as framework
INCLUDEPATH += /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Headers
LIBS += -F/System/Library/Frameworks -framework Python
} else:win32 {
# for windows install a Python development kit or build Python yourself from the sources
# Make sure that you set the environment variable PYTHON_PATH to point to your
# python installation (or the python sources/header files when building from source).
# Make sure that you set the environment variable PYTHON_LIB to point to
# the directory where the python libs are located.
# When using the prebuild Python installer, this will be:
# set PYTHON_PATH = c:\Python26
# set PYTHON_LIB  = c:\Python26\libs
PYTHON_PATH= C:\Python32
PYTHON_LIB= C:\Python32\libs
# When using the python sources, this will be something like:
# set PYTHON_PATH = c:\yourDir\Python-2.6.1\
# set PYTHON_LIB  = c:\yourDir\Python-2.6.1\PCbuild8\Win32

# check if debug or release
CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {
  DEBUG_EXT = _d 
} else {

win32:LIBS += $(PYTHON_LIB)/python$${PYTHON_VERSION}$${DEBUG_EXT}.lib

} else:unix {
# on linux, python-config is used to autodetect Python.
# make sure that you have installed a matching python-dev package.

unix:LIBS += $$system(python$${PYTHON_VERSION}-config --libs)
unix:QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += $$system(python$${PYTHON_VERSION}-config --includes)



1 回答 1


关于构建它的页面说它尚未使用 Python3 进行测试,可能需要进行一些更改。这几乎肯定是你看到的问题。

要确定答案,请使用 Python 2.6 或 2.7 重试。如果构建工作,那么 163 错误可能是由于 Python2/Python3 兼容性更改。

如果您必须使用 Python3,那么您唯一的选择就是修复错误。否则,只使用 Python 2.7 可能更容易。

如果您决定修复 Python3 构建问题,最好提交补丁 :-)

于 2012-05-21T17:43:45.257 回答