为什么 UUID 以“8-4-4-4-12”(数字)格式显示?我已经四处寻找原因,但找不到需要它的决定。

格式化为十六进制字符串的 UUID 示例:58D5E212-165B-4CA0-909B-C86B9CEE0111


3 回答 3


它由 分隔time, version, clock_seq_hi, clock_seq_lo, node,如下面的 rfc 所示。

来自IETF RFC4122:

4.1.2.  Layout and Byte Order

   To minimize confusion about bit assignments within octets, the UUID
   record definition is defined only in terms of fields that are
   integral numbers of octets.  The fields are presented with the most
   significant one first.

   Field                  Data Type     Octet  Note

   time_low               unsigned 32   0-3    The low field of the
                          bit integer          timestamp

   time_mid               unsigned 16   4-5    The middle field of the
                          bit integer          timestamp

   time_hi_and_version    unsigned 16   6-7    The high field of the
                          bit integer          timestamp multiplexed
                                               with the version number  

   clock_seq_hi_and_rese  unsigned 8    8      The high field of the
   rved                   bit integer          clock sequence
                                               multiplexed with the

   clock_seq_low          unsigned 8    9      The low field of the
                          bit integer          clock sequence

   node                   unsigned 48   10-15  The spatially unique
                          bit integer          node identifier

   In the absence of explicit application or presentation protocol
   specification to the contrary, a UUID is encoded as a 128-bit object,
   as follows:

   The fields are encoded as 16 octets, with the sizes and order of the
   fields defined above, and with each field encoded with the Most
   Significant Byte first (known as network byte order).  Note that the
   field names, particularly for multiplexed fields, follow historical

   0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |                          time_low                             |
   |       time_mid                |         time_hi_and_version   |
   |clk_seq_hi_res |  clk_seq_low  |         node (0-1)            |
   |                         node (2-5)                            |
于 2012-05-21T14:57:33.887 回答

格式在IETF RFC4122第 3 节中定义。输出格式定义为“UUID = ...”

3.- 命名空间注册模板

Namespace ID:UUID 注册信息:注册日期:2003-10-01

命名空间的声明注册人:JTC 1/SC6(ASN.1 报告人组)

句法结构声明:UUID 是一个标识符,它在空间和时间上都是唯一的,相对于所有 UUID 的空间。由于 UUID 是固定大小并包含时间字段,因此值可能会翻转(大约 AD 3400,取决于所使用的特定算法)。UUID 可用于多种用途,从标记生命周期极短的对象到可靠地识别网络中非常持久的对象。

  The internal representation of a UUID is a specific sequence of
  bits in memory, as described in Section 4.  To accurately
  represent a UUID as a URN, it is necessary to convert the bit
  sequence to a string representation.

  Each field is treated as an integer and has its value printed as a
  zero-filled hexadecimal digit string with the most significant
  digit first.  The hexadecimal values "a" through "f" are output as
  lower case characters and are case insensitive on input.

  The formal definition of the UUID string representation is
  provided by the following ABNF [7]:

  UUID                   = time-low "-" time-mid "-"
                           time-high-and-version "-"
                           clock-seq-low "-" node
  time-low               = 4hexOctet
  time-mid               = 2hexOctet
  time-high-and-version  = 2hexOctet
  clock-seq-and-reserved = hexOctet
  clock-seq-low          = hexOctet
  node                   = 6hexOctet
  hexOctet               = hexDigit hexDigit
  hexDigit =
        "0" / "1" / "2" / "3" / "4" / "5" / "6" / "7" / "8" / "9" /
        "a" / "b" / "c" / "d" / "e" / "f" /
        "A" / "B" / "C" / "D" / "E" / "F"
于 2012-05-30T17:21:21.047 回答

128 位

“8-4-4-4-12”格式仅供人类阅读。UUID实际上是一个128 位的数字。

考虑到字符串格式在存储或在内存中时需要的字节数是 128 位数的两倍。我建议在内部使用该数字,当需要在 UI 上显示或在文件中导出时,使用字符串格式。

于 2018-05-11T23:31:40.873 回答