

public static <T> void myMethod(Map<Class<T>, MyInterface<T>> map) {

使用参数 T 以确保用作键的类与用作 MyInterface 中的参数的类相同。

现在我想传递一个映射,其中不同的类作为键,当然还有 MyInterface 的相应实现。


    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.Map;

    public class Test {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Map<Class<?>, MyInterface<?>> map = new HashMap<Class<?>, MyInterface<?>>();

    //      Map<Class<Object>, MyInterface<Object>> map = new HashMap<Class<Object>, MyInterface<Object>>();

        map.put(Object.class, new MyObjectImpl());

        //if I use Map<Class<Object>, MyInterface<Object>> I get a compiler error here
        //because map<String> is not map<Object> basically
        map.put(String.class, new MyStringImpl());

        //this would be possible using <?>, which is exactly what I don't want
    //      map.put(String.class, new MyIntegerImpl());

        //<?> generates anyways a compiler error

    //use T to make sure the class used as key is the same as the class of the parameter "object" in doSomething  
    public static <T> void myMethod(Map<Class<T>, MyInterface<T>> map) {


    interface MyInterface<T> {
        void doSomething(T object);

    static class MyObjectImpl implements MyInterface<Object> {
        public void doSomething(Object object) {
            System.out.println("MyObjectImpl doSomething");

    static class MyStringImpl implements MyInterface<String> {
        public void doSomething(String object) {
            System.out.println("MyStringImpl doSomething");

    static class MyIntegerImpl implements MyInterface<Integer> {
        public void doSomething(Integer object) {
            System.out.println("MyIntegerImpl doSomething");

4 回答 4


你不能这样做,因为在Map'put()方法中没有定义在key和之间的约束value。如果您想确保您的地图被正确填充(即创建这样的约束),请将地图隐藏在一些将检查正确性的 API 后面,例如:

public <T> void registerInterface(Class<T> clazz, MyInterface<T> intf) {
    map.put(clazz, intf);


于 2012-05-21T12:51:38.387 回答

据我所知,您不能像在 Java 中描述的那样声明 Map 。您所能做的就是执行类型检查和/或添加约束。

Guava 提供了一些可以解决ClassToInstanceMap问题的方法。因此,一种方法是使用MapConstraints.constrainedMap(如下例所示)

import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import com.google.common.collect.MapConstraint;
import com.google.common.collect.MapConstraints;

public class Main {

    interface MyInterface<T> {
        void doSomething(T object);

        Class<T> getType();

    static class MyObjectImpl implements MyInterface<Object> {
        public void doSomething(Object object) {
            System.out.println("MyObjectImpl doSomething");

        public Class<Object> getType() {
            return Object.class;

    static class MyStringImpl implements MyInterface<String> {
        public void doSomething(String object) {
            System.out.println("MyStringImpl doSomething");

        public Class<String> getType() {
            return String.class;

    static class MyIntegerImpl implements MyInterface<Integer> {
        public void doSomething(Integer object) {
            System.out.println("MyIntegerImpl doSomething");

        public Class<Integer> getType() {
            return Integer.class;

    public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException {

        Map<Class<?>, MyInterface<?>> map = MapConstraints.constrainedMap(new HashMap<Class<?>, Main.MyInterface<?>>(),
                new MapConstraint<Class<?>, MyInterface<?>>() {
                    public void checkKeyValue(Class<?> key, MyInterface<?> value) {
                        if (value == null) {
                            throw new NullPointerException("value cannot be null");
                        if (value.getType() != key) {
                            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Value is not of the correct type");
        map.put(Integer.class, new MyIntegerImpl());
        map.put(String.class, new MyStringImpl());
        map.put(Object.class, new MyObjectImpl());
        map.put(Float.class, new MyIntegerImpl()); //<-- Here you will get an exception
于 2012-05-21T12:55:44.547 回答


Class<T>只接受T.class作为价值。Class<Object>不会接受String.class,即使 Object 是 String 的超类。

出于这个原因,任何带有Class<T>as 键的地图都只能有一个元素,带有T.classas 键值,无论T.

编译器只会接受具有确定值 T 的映射作为参数。你不能写Map<Class<?>, MyInterface<?>>,因为每个?假设是不同的:它不匹配Map<Class<T>, MyInterface<T>>要求 T 具有相同的值。

也就是说,myMethod 只会接受单条目映射,这似乎没有用。

于 2012-05-21T12:26:26.643 回答


public static <T> void myMethod(Map<Class<? extends T>, MyInterface<? extends T>> map) {



Map<Class<?>, MyInterface<?>> map = new HashMap<Class<?>, MyInterface<?>>();
    map.put(Integer.class, new MyIntegerImpl());
    map.put(String.class, new MyStringImpl());
    map.put(Object.class, new MyObjectImpl());
于 2012-05-21T12:44:52.740 回答