I would like to use jwysiwyg jQuery plugin https://github.com/akzhan/jwysiwyg with a Ember.TextArea http://emberjs.com/, but I can not seem to get the bindings to work :(

Consider the example below, I have used the runloop thingy to call the .jwysiwyg jQuery plugin after the bindings have fired (so it contains the correct data).

I am unsure how to describe my problem, but in simplistic terms, I can not get the data to flow the other way ... ie. when I update the data in the text area (now an html editor) the model does not get updated.

    App = Ember.Application.create();

    App.entry = Ember.Object.create({
      sometext: "some demo text in here"

    App.HTMLField = Ember.TextArea.extend({ 
        valueBinding: "App.entry.sometext",
        didInsertElement: function() {
            Ember.run.schedule('actions', this, function(){

<!-- place view in page -->
<script type="text/x-handlebars">
      {{view App.HTMLField}}

Does anyone know of a way around the problem? .. suggestions of a workaround? .. any pointers? ... anything that might help?


1 回答 1



App.HTMLField = Ember.TextArea.extend({
    didInsertElement: function() {


        var self = this;
        Ember.run.schedule('actions', this, function(){
                events: {
                    save: function( ) {
                        var c = this.getContent();
                        self.set('value', this.getContent() );
于 2012-05-21T21:12:14.983 回答