<a title="video title" data-poster="images/thumb.jpg" href="videos/video.mp4" class="fancy_video"><img alt="" src="images/thumb.jpg" /></a>
属性中链接到 (mp4) 视频。还要注意 (HTML5)data-poster
属性,它表示视频容器空闲时将显示在视频容器内的缩略图。然后是基本的 jQuery 代码:
// set some general variables
var $video_player, _player, _isPlaying = false;
jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
// set type of content (we are building the HTML5 <video> tag as content)
type: "html",
// other API options
scrolling: "no",
fitToView: false,
autoSize: false,
beforeLoad: function () {
// build the HTML5 video structure for fancyBox content with specific parameters
this.content = "<video id='video_player' src='" + this.href + "' poster='" + $(this.element).data("poster") + "' width='360' height='360' controls='controls' preload='none' ></video>";
// set fancyBox dimensions
this.width = 360; // same as video width attribute
this.height = 360; // same as video height attribute
afterShow: function () {
// initialize MEJS player
var $video_player = new MediaElementPlayer('#video_player', {
defaultVideoWidth: this.width,
defaultVideoHeight: this.height,
success: function (mediaElement, domObject) {
_player = mediaElement; // override the "mediaElement" instance to be used outside the success setting
_player.load(); // fixes webkit firing any method before player is ready
_player.play(); // autoplay video (optional)
_player.addEventListener('playing', function () {
_isPlaying = true;
}, false);
} // success
beforeClose: function () {
// if video is playing and we close fancyBox
// safely remove Flash objects in IE
if (_isPlaying && navigator.userAgent.match(/msie [6-8]/i)) {
// video is playing AND we are using IE
_player.remove(); // remove player instance for IE
_isPlaying = false; // reinitialize flag
}); // ready
- 尽管 jsfiddle 使用 mediaelement.js v2.13.2(cdnjs 提供的最新版本),但我始终建议更新到包含错误修复的最新版本(目前为 v2.14.2)。
- 该演示还使用了 fancyBox v2.1.15 并且仅涵盖 mp4 视频文件。