我试图用 C++ 帮助解决下一个方程: 3sin(sqrt(x)) + 0.35x - 3.8 = 0 有解
的区域是 [2, 3]
float f(float x)
return (3 * sin(sqrt(x))) + (0.35 * x) - 3.8; //this is equation i am trying to solve
float g(float x, float(*f_ptr)(float))
const float CONST = 0.1f; //const used to solve equation
return CONST * f_ptr(x) + x;
void Task4_CalculateSomething()
float x0, //starting aproximation
xk, //current aproximation
a = 2, //left barrier
b = 3, //right barrier
epsilon = 0.001; //allowed error
const float REAL_SOLUTION = 2.2985; //real solution of selected equation
printf("Setup starting aproximation: ");
scanf("%f", &x0);
xk = g(x0, f); //calc current aproximation
if (fabs(xk - x0) < epsilon) //if Xn - Xn-1 fits the allowed error, the solution must be found
break; //then we exit
x0 = xk; //else reset x values
while (fabs(a - x0) > epsilon && fabs(b - x0) > epsilon);
printf("Found solution: %f\nReal solution: %f\n", xk, REAL_SOLUTION);
但它给了我奇怪的结果,比如 -1.#IND00,我什至不知道它是什么。