对于原始 SQL 解决方案,我在这里在 ideone上创建了您的问题的粗略复制
create table content_a(id int, user_id int, content varchar(20));
create table content_b(id int, user_id int, content varchar(20));
create table content_c(id int, user_id int, content varchar(20));
create table voting(user_id int, content_id int, content_type_id int, vote int);
create table users(id int, name varchar(20));
insert into content_a values(1,1,'aaaa');
insert into content_a values(2,1,'bbbb');
insert into content_a values(3,1,'cccc');
insert into content_b values(1,2,'dddd');
insert into content_b values(2,2,'eeee');
insert into content_b values(3,2,'ffff');
insert into content_c values(1,1,'gggg');
insert into content_c values(2,2,'hhhh');
insert into content_c values(3,3,'iiii');
insert into users values(1, 'first');
insert into users values(2, 'second');
insert into users values(3, 'third');
insert into users values(4, 'voteonly');
-- user 1 net votes (2)
insert into voting values (1, 1, 1, 1);
insert into voting values (2, 3, 1, -1);
insert into voting values (3, 1, 1, 1);
insert into voting values (4, 2, 1, 1);
-- user 2 net votes (3)
insert into voting values (1, 2, 2, 1);
insert into voting values (1, 1, 2, 1);
insert into voting values (2, 3, 2, -1);
insert into voting values (4, 2, 2, 1);
insert into voting values (4, 2, 3, 1);
-- user 3 net votes (-1)
insert into voting values (2, 3, 3, -1);
我基本上假设 content_a 的类型为 1,content_b 的类型为 2,content_c 的类型为 3。使用原始 SQL,似乎有两种明显的方法。首先是将所有内容联合在一起,然后将其与用户和投票表连接起来。我在下面测试了这种方法。
select users.*, sum(voting.vote)
from users,
voting, (
SELECT id, 1 AS content_type_id, user_id
FROM content_a
SELECT id, 2 AS content_type_id, user_id
FROM content_b
SELECT id, 3 AS content_type_id, user_id
FROM content_c) contents
where contents.user_id = users.id
and voting.content_id = contents.id
and voting.content_type_id = contents.content_type_id
group by users.id
order by sum(voting.vote) desc;
另一种方法似乎是将内容表外部连接到投票表,而不需要联合步骤。这可能性能更高,但我无法测试它,因为 Visual Studio 一直在为我重写我的 sql ......我希望 SQL 看起来像这样(但我还没有测试过):
select users.*, sum(voting.vote)
from users, voting, content_a, content_b, content_c
where users.id = content_a.user_id (+)
and users.id = content_b.user_id (+)
and users.id = content_c.user_id (+)
and ((content_a.id = voting.content_id and voting.content_type_id = 1) OR
(content_b.id = voting.content_id and voting.content_type_id = 2) OR
(content_c.id = voting.content_id and voting.content_type_id = 3))
group by users.id
order by sum(voting.vote) desc;