我使用 admob 为我在 eclipse 中的所有下一个应用程序完成了一个“基础应用程序”,请联系我们......




2 回答 2



一个问题是库中的 AndroidManifest.xml 被忽略,因此您可能需要手动将活动、服务等从库清单复制到真实清单。

于 2012-05-20T11:33:33.827 回答

I would put my "base app" project in a code repository (git in my case), and then just clone it, change the output name, libs etc in any build scripts. Check that into a new repository and keep working from there.

If you don't use git/svn/whatever just copy your source files and create a new project in eclipse, it's probably easier and less error prone than copying the project files as well and trying to remember all the places that refer to your old project.

Might be a little off-topic but what I usually do is I have pure source (and some build scripts) in a code repository and then outside that (in my eclipse workspace) I create the eclipse project and link the source files into my project. So if I trigger builds with eclipse I get the build output in my project directory while keeping my source directory clean.

于 2012-05-20T11:39:24.490 回答