注意:此示例是捕捉ctrl + space
var ctrlPressed = false; //Variable to check if the the first button is pressed at this exact moment
$(document).keydown(function(e) {
if (e.ctrlKey) { //If it's ctrl key
ctrlPressed = true; //Set variable to true
}).keyup(function(e) { //If user releases ctrl button
if (e.ctrlKey) {
ctrlPressed = false; //Set it to false
}); //This way you know if ctrl key is pressed. You can change e.ctrlKey to any other key code you want
$(document).keydown(function(e) { //For any other keypress event
if (e.which == 32) { //Checking if it's space button
if(ctrlPressed == true){ //If it's space, check if ctrl key is also pressed
myFunc(); //Do anything you want
ctrlPressed = false; //Important! Set ctrlPressed variable to false. Otherwise the code will work everytime you press the space button again