
RichTextBox1.SelectionFont = New Font(SelectionFont.FontFamily, CInt(ToolStripComboBox3.Text), RichTextBox1.SelectionFont.Style)


我有另一个选择的代码来解决这个问题。But the only problem with this code is that it is good for less then 2000 characters - but when the selection text is large it is worthless. 请看下面的代码:

 Public rtbTemp As New RichTextBox()
    Public Sub ChangeFontSize(ByVal rtb As RichTextBox, ByVal fontSize As Single)
        'This method should handle cases that occur when multiple fonts/styles are selected
        ' Parameters:-
        ' fontSize - the fontsize to be applied, eg 33.5
        If fontSize <= 0.0 Then
            Throw New System.InvalidProgramException("Invalid font size parameter to ChangeFontSize")
        End If
        Dim rtb1start As Integer = rtb.SelectionStart
        Dim len As Integer = rtb.SelectionLength
        Dim rtbTempStart As Integer = 0
        ' If len <= 1 and there is a selection font, amend and return
        If len <= 1 AndAlso rtb.SelectionFont IsNot Nothing Then
            rtb.SelectionFont = New Font(rtb.SelectionFont.FontFamily, fontSize, rtb.SelectionFont.Style)
        End If
        ' Step through the selected text one char at a time
        rtbTemp.Rtf = rtb.SelectedRtf
        For i As Integer = 0 To len - 1
            rtbTemp.[Select](rtbTempStart + i, 1)
            rtbTemp.SelectionFont = New Font(rtbTemp.SelectionFont.FontFamily, fontSize, rtbTemp.SelectionFont.Style)

        ' Replace & reselect
        rtbTemp.[Select](rtbTempStart, len)
        rtb.SelectedRtf = rtbTemp.SelectedRtf
        rtb.[Select](rtb1start, len)
    End Sub

2 回答 2


这是代码:字体大小组合框的 Xaml:

            <ComboBox Width="50" Name="FontsSizeCombo" FontSize="12" ItemsSource="{Binding}">
                <ComboBoxItem Content="8"/>
                <ComboBoxItem Content="9" />
                <ComboBoxItem Content="10" />
                <ComboBoxItem Content="11" />
                <ComboBoxItem Content="12" />
                <ComboBoxItem Content="14" />
                <ComboBoxItem Content="16" />
                <ComboBoxItem Content="18" />
                <ComboBoxItem Content="22" />
                <ComboBoxItem Content="24" />
                <ComboBoxItem Content="26" />
                <ComboBoxItem Content="36" />
                <ComboBoxItem Content="48" />
                <ComboBoxItem Content="72" />

工作 Vb.Net 代码:

Private Sub FontsSizeCombo_DropDownClosed(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles FontsSizeCombo.DropDownClosed
    mainRTB.Selection.ApplyPropertyValue(RichTextBox.FontSizeProperty, FontsSizeCombo.Text)
End Sub

mainRtb 是我的富文本框。如果它是正确的,请检查这个作为答案。谢谢你。

于 2012-05-20T07:38:05.740 回答


公共 rtbTemp 作为新的 RichTextBox()

Public Sub ChangeFontSize(ByVal rtb As RichTextBox, ByVal fontSize As Single, ByVal fntName As String)

    If fontSize <= 0.0 Then
        Throw New System.InvalidProgramException("Invalid font size parameter to ChangeFontSize")
    End If
    Dim rtb1start As Double = rtb.SelectionStart
    Dim len As Double = rtb.SelectionLength
    Dim rtbTempStart As Double = 0
    ' If len <= 1 and there is a selection font, amend and return
    If len <= 1 AndAlso rtb.SelectionFont IsNot Nothing Then
        rtb.SelectionFont = New Font(fntName, fontSize, rtb.SelectionFont.Style)
    End If
    ' Step through the selected text one char at a time
    rtbTemp.Rtf = rtb.SelectedRtf
    For i As Double = 0 To len - 1
        rtbTemp.[Select](rtbTempStart + i, 1)
        rtbTemp.SelectionFont = New Font(fntName, fontSize, rtbTemp.SelectionFont.Style)

    ' Replace & reselect
    rtbTemp.[Select](rtbTempStart, len)
    rtb.SelectedRtf = rtbTemp.SelectedRtf
    rtb.[Select](rtb1start, len)

End Sub
于 2021-12-20T03:20:39.630 回答