我正在创建一个采访网页,用户可以在其中回答文本框内屏幕上提到的特定问题。我有一个检查按钮。单击此按钮时,我需要比较在特定问题文本框中输入的答案,并且通常通过与我的 XML 文件对特定问题的答案进行比较来以百分比显示答案的准确性。
这是我的 XML 文件”
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Question id="1">What is IL code </Question>
<Answer id="1">Half compiled, Partially compiled code </Answer>
<Question id="2">What is JIT </Question>
<Answer id="2">IL code to machine language </Answer>
<Question id="3">What is CLR </Question>
<Answer id="3">Heart of the engine , GC , compilation , CAS(Code access security) , CV ( Code verification) </Answer>
XmlDocument docQuestionList = new XmlDocument();// Set up the XmlDocument //
docQuestionList.Load(@"C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\questioon\questioon\QuestionAnswer.xml"); //Load the data from the file into the XmlDocument //
XmlNodeList AnswerList = docQuestionList.SelectNodes("Questions/Question");
foreach (XmlNode Answer in AnswerList)
if (Answer.InnerText.Trim() == Label2.Text)
string[] arrUserAnswer = TextBox1.Text.Trim().ToLower().Split(' ');
string[] arrXMLAnswer = Answer.NextSibling.InnerText.Trim().ToLower().Split(' ');
List<string> lststr1 = new List<string>();
foreach (string nextStr in arrXMLAnswer)
if (Array.IndexOf(arrUserAnswer, nextStr) != -1)
if (lststr1.Count > 0)
TextBox1.Text = ((100 * lststr1.Count) / arrXMLAnswer.Length).ToString() + "%";
TextBox1.Text = "0 %";
如您所见,我只比较了一个问题和相应答案的值,但我希望这不是硬编码的。相反,它应该接受问题和相应的文本框答案并与我的 XML 文件进行比较。我怎样才能实现我的目标?