我很惊讶我找不到解决方案。我想在我的文档顶部附近放置一个小表格(1 行,3 个单元格),向右对齐,并在其周围环绕一个段落,就像您可以使用以下代码处理图像一样...
<img src="http://www.sorenwagner.ws/marty/img/ca-seal.jpg"
align="right" width="300" height="100">
This is a paragraph large enough to wrap around the image...
This is a paragraph large enough to wrap around the image...
This is a paragraph large enough to wrap around the image...
This is a paragraph large enough to wrap around the image...
能够在表格周围定义填充也是很好的,因此文本不会正好到达边界。在 CSS 中是否有一个相对简单的解决方案?