在 Javascript 中,如果我在函数之外的 javascript 中使用 var 声明变量

var foo = 1;
var bar = 2;

function someFunction() {

这些变量是否在文档或窗口的范围内?此外,为什么这很重要?我知道如果一个人声明一个没有 var 的变量,那么这个变量是全局的。



4 回答 4


var将变量的范围限制为定义它的函数,因此在顶层定义的变量 withvar将有效地具有全局范围。


这里有一篇关于 javascript 作用域的好文章:JavaScript 中变量的作用域是什么?

于 2012-05-19T17:35:18.770 回答

当你在 JavaScript 中声明一个函数时,它会创建一个作用域。

当你声明一个变量时,它必须有一个var. 确定它属于什么范围以及它在var哪里可见。如果它没有var,那么它是对变量的“赋值”,并且浏览器假定具有该名称的变量存在于外部作用域中。



//global variables
var w = 20
var x = 10

function  foo(){
    function bar(){

        //we assign x. since it's not declared with var
        //the browser looks for x in the outer scopes
        x = 0;

        function baz(){

            //we can still see and edit x here, turning it from 0 to 1
            x = 1;

            //redeclaring a variable makes it a local variable
            //it does not affect the variable of the same name outside
            //therefore within baz, w is 13 but outside, it's still 20
            var w = 13;

            //declaring y inside here, it does not exist in the outer scopes
            //therefore y only exists in baz
            var y = 2;

            //failing to use var makes the browser look for the variable outside
            //if there is none, the browser declares it as a global                
            z = 3;

//w = 20         - since the w inside was "redeclared" inside 
//x = 1          - changed since all x operations were assigments
//y = undefined  - never existed in the outside 
//z = 3          - was turned into a global
于 2012-05-19T17:37:52.880 回答
var foo = 1;

window.foo === foo;

JavaScript 是一种函数式语言,因此在函数范围内声明的任何变量都只能在该函数中使用。

JS 实际上会遍历每个函数的作用域并查找声明的变量。

function setGlobal() {
    bar = 1; // gets set as window.bar because setGlobal does not define it

// logs true and 1
console.log(window.bar === bar, bar); ​



function logGlobal() {
    var bar;
    console.log( foo, window.foo ) // undefined, undefined
    function setGlobal() {
        // window.foo is now set because logGlobal did not define foo
        foo = 1;  
        bar = 2; // logGlobal's bar not window.bar
        function makePrivate() {
           var foo = 3; // local foo
           console.log( foo ); // logs 3
        makePrivate(); // logs 3
    console.log( foo, window.foo ); // logs 1, 1

于 2012-05-19T17:35:31.140 回答

由于 JavaScript 只有函数作用域,因此var关键字定义的变量的作用域是包含函数。

您可以通过在浏览器中打开 JavaScript 控制台(或直接在您的代码中)轻松检查全局范围,然后键入:

varRef && console.log(varRef)
于 2012-05-19T17:41:54.737 回答