/ notify
- 我们都在试图摆脱这个古老的系统。
s - 一旦你的线程抓住了它,你就按住它直到释放,所以再次抓住它不会阻塞。这意味着您不能从自己的线程中暂停。
- 每次使用时都必须重新创建。
- 我的最爱。您可以让尽可能多的线程暂停您,并且只有在所有线程都调用时您才会恢复resume
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;
* PauseableThread is a Thread with pause/resume and cancel methods.
* The meat of the process must implement `step`.
* You can either extend this and implement `step` or use the factory.
* Note that I cannot extend Thread because my resume will clash with Thread's deprecated one.
* Usage: Either write a `Stepper` and run it in a `PausableThread` or extend `PausableThread` and call `blockIfPaused()` at appropriate points.
public abstract class PauseableThread implements Runnable {
// The lock.
// We'll hold a read lock on it to pause the thread.
// The thread will momentarily grab a write lock on it to pause.
// This way you can have multiple pausers using normal locks.
private final ReadWriteLock pause = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();
// Flag to cancel the wholeprocess.
private volatile boolean cancelled = false;
// The exception that caused it to finish.
private Exception thrown = null;
// The core run mechanism.
public void run() {
try {
while (!cancelled) {
// Block here if we're paused.
// Do my work.
} catch (Exception ex) {
// Just fall out when exception is thrown.
thrown = ex;
// Block if pause has been called without a matching resume.
private void blockIfPaused() throws InterruptedException {
try {
// Grab a write lock. Will block if a read lock has been taken.
} finally {
// Release the lock immediately to avoid blocking when pause is called.
// Pause the work. NB: MUST be balanced by a resume.
public void pause() {
// We can wait for a lock here.
// Resume the work. NB: MUST be balanced by a pause.
public void resume() {
// Release the lock.
// Stop.
public void cancel() {
// Stop everything.
cancelled = true;
// start - like a thread.
public void start() {
// Wrap it in a thread.
new Thread(this).start();
// Get the exceptuion that was thrown to stop the thread or null if the thread was cancelled.
public Exception getThrown() {
return thrown;
// Create this method to do stuff.
// Calls to this method will stop when pause is called.
// Any thrown exception stops the whole process.
public abstract void step() throws Exception;
// Factory to wrap a Stepper in a PauseableThread
public static PauseableThread make(Stepper stepper) {
StepperThread pauseableStepper = new StepperThread(stepper);
// That's the thread they can pause/resume.
return pauseableStepper;
// One of these must be used.
public interface Stepper {
// A Stepper has a step method.
// Any exception thrown causes the enclosing thread to stop.
public void step() throws Exception;
// Holder for a Stepper.
private static class StepperThread extends PauseableThread {
private final Stepper stepper;
StepperThread(Stepper stepper) {
this.stepper = stepper;
public void step() throws Exception {
// My test counter.
static int n = 0;
// Test/demo.
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
try {
// Simple stepper that just increments n.
Stepper s = new Stepper() {
public void step() throws Exception {
n += 1;
PauseableThread t = PauseableThread.make(s);
// Start it up.
System.out.println("Paused: " + n);
System.out.println("Resuminng: " + n);
} catch (Exception e) {