只需添加一个预构建事件即可将您的文件复制到 App_Code 文件夹中。
(但由于该文件可能必须包含在项目中,您可以在 App_Code 目录中添加一个同名的空文件,然后让构建事件对其进行更新。)
(请注意,即使您将文件最初放在 App_code 文件夹中,直到第一次构建您才会获得智能感知,因此无论如何都没有区别。)
在类库中,App_Code 文件夹没有什么特别之处,因此为了能够使帮助页面全局化,我们必须覆盖 razor 代码,因为它是硬编码的,只能为 App_code 文件夹中的代码创建全局帮助器。
- 您的 .cshtml(或 vbhtml)文件将被复制到最终项目的输出目录中
- 您添加一个与全局帮助程序文件名同名的 .cs(或 .vb)文件,并将其构建操作设置为“编译”,(此文件将在启动时自动生成以提供智能感知)
- 您必须在 AssemblyInfo.cs 文件中注册 PreApplicationStartupClass
- 您必须在 PreApplicationStartupCode.Start() 方法中进行替换,以按照依赖顺序提供 Bin 文件夹中全局帮助程序页面的相对路径(即,如果一个全局帮助程序文件使用另一个文件中的帮助程序,那么它应在其后列出)。
- 在 CustomRazorCodeHost 类中,您必须选择适合安装的 MVC 版本的正确 PostProcessGeneratedCode() 方法
public static class PreApplicationStartCode
private static bool _startWasCalled;
public static void Start()
// Even though ASP.NET will only call each PreAppStart once, we sometimes internally call one PreAppStart from
// another PreAppStart to ensure that things get initialized in the right order. ASP.NET does not guarantee the
// order so we have to guard against multiple calls.
// All Start calls are made on same thread, so no lock needed here.
if (_startWasCalled)
_startWasCalled = true;
//Add here the the global helpers based on dependency
//also note that each global helper should have a .cs file in the project with the same name
CustomRazorHelperBuildProvider bp = new CustomRazorHelperBuildProvider();
bp.VirtualPath = "~/Bin/path/to/helpers/file/Helpers.cshtml";
bp = new CustomRazorHelperBuildProvider();
bp.VirtualPath = "~/Bin/path/to/helpers/file/DepndentHelpers.cshtml";
public class CustomRazorHelperBuildProvider :RazorBuildProvider
static List<string> GeneratedAssemblyReferences = new List<string>();
public new string VirtualPath { get; set; }
protected override System.Web.WebPages.Razor.WebPageRazorHost CreateHost()
return new CustomCodeRazorHost(VirtualPath);
private WebPageRazorHost _host;
internal WebPageRazorHost Host
if (_host == null)
_host = CreateHost();
return _host;
private CodeCompileUnit _generatedCode = null;
internal CodeCompileUnit GeneratedCode
if (_generatedCode == null)
return _generatedCode;
private CodeDomProvider _provider = null;
internal CodeDomProvider Provider
if(_provider == null)
_provider = GetProvider();
return _provider;
private void EnsureGeneratedCode()
RazorTemplateEngine engine = new RazorTemplateEngine(Host);
GeneratorResults results = null;
using (TextReader reader = OpenReader(VirtualPath))
results = engine.GenerateCode(reader, className: null, rootNamespace: null, sourceFileName: Host.PhysicalPath);
if (!results.Success)
RazorError error = results.ParserErrors.Last();
throw new HttpParseException(error.Message + Environment.NewLine, null, VirtualPath, null, error.Location.LineIndex + 1);
_generatedCode = results.GeneratedCode;
private CodeDomProvider GetProvider()
CompilerType compilerType = GetDefaultCompilerTypeForLanguage(Host.CodeLanguage.LanguageName);
CodeDomProvider provider = CreateCodeDomProviderWithPropertyOptions(compilerType.CodeDomProviderType);
return provider;
/// <summary>
/// Generates the c# (or vb.net) code, for the intellisense to work
/// </summary>
public void GenerateCode()
//Remember that if there is a razor error, then the next time the project will not compile at all, because the generated .cs file will also have the error!
//The solution is to add a pre-build event to truncate the file, but not remove it!, also note that the pre-build event will not work in time if the .cs file is open in the VS editor!
string filePath = VirtualPath.Replace("/", "\\").Replace("~\\Bin", "").Replace("\\Debug", "").Replace("\\Release", "");
filePath = filePath.Remove(filePath.Length - 4);
//filePath = filePath.Insert(filePath.LastIndexOf("\\"), "\\HelperAutoGeneratedCode");
Assembly curAssem = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
filePath = HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath + "\\..\\" + curAssem.GetName().Name + filePath;
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Truncate))
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs))
Provider.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(GeneratedCode, sw, null);
//We need to replace the type of the helpers from "HelperResult" to object, otherwise the intellisense will complain that "it can't convert from HelperResult to object"
string text = File.ReadAllText(filePath);
text = text.Replace("public static System.Web.WebPages.HelperResult ", "public static object ");
File.WriteAllText(filePath, text);
public void GenerateCodeAndCompile()
/// <summary>
/// Compiles the helper pages for use at runtime
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Compiler Result</returns>
public CompilerResults Compile()
Assembly assem = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
AssemblyName[] references = assem.GetReferencedAssemblies();
List<string> referenceNames = references.Select(r => Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoad(r.FullName).Location).ToList();
//Add here references that are not included in the project, but are needed for the generated assembly, you can see this through the results.Errors
if (GeneratedAssemblyReferences != null && GeneratedAssemblyReferences.Count > 0)
CompilerResults results = Provider.CompileAssemblyFromDom(new CompilerParameters(referenceNames.ToArray()), new CodeCompileUnit[] { GeneratedCode });
if (results.Errors.HasErrors)
IEnumerator en = results.Errors.GetEnumerator();
CompilerError error = en.Current as CompilerError;
throw new HttpParseException(error.ErrorText + Environment.NewLine, null, VirtualPath, null, error.Line);
Assembly assemblyRef = GetGeneratedType(results).Assembly;
GeneratedAssemblyReferences.Add(assemblyRef.Location); //So that any subsequent helper page that is dependent on it will have it as a reference
//We need to make it available for Razor, so it will work with reguler razor pages at runtime
RazorBuildProvider.CodeGenerationStarted += new EventHandler((sender, args) => (sender as RazorBuildProvider).AssemblyBuilder.AddCodeCompileUnit(this, GeneratedCode));
return results;
private static CodeDomProvider CreateCodeDomProviderWithPropertyOptions(Type codeDomProviderType)
// The following resembles the code in System.CodeDom.CompilerInfo.CreateProvider
// Make a copy to avoid modifying the original.
var originalProviderOptions = GetProviderOptions(codeDomProviderType);
IDictionary<string, string> providerOptions = null;
if (originalProviderOptions != null)
providerOptions = new Dictionary<string, string>(originalProviderOptions);
AssemblyName[] references = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetReferencedAssemblies();
foreach (AssemblyName reference in references)
if (reference.Name == "mscorlib")
providerOptions["CompilerVersion"] = "v" + reference.Version.Major + "." + reference.Version.Minor;
if (providerOptions != null && providerOptions.Count > 0)
ConstructorInfo ci = codeDomProviderType.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(IDictionary<string, string>) });
CodeDomProvider provider = null;
if (ci != null)
// First, obtain the language for the given codedom provider type.
CodeDomProvider defaultProvider = (CodeDomProvider)Activator.CreateInstance(codeDomProviderType);
string extension = defaultProvider.FileExtension;
// Then, use the new createProvider API to create an instance.
provider = CodeDomProvider.CreateProvider(extension, providerOptions);
return provider;
return null;
internal static IDictionary<string, string> GetProviderOptions(Type codeDomProviderType)
// Using reflection to get the property for the time being.
// This could simply return CompilerInfo.PropertyOptions if it goes public in future.
CodeDomProvider provider = (CodeDomProvider)Activator.CreateInstance(codeDomProviderType);
string extension = provider.FileExtension;
if (CodeDomProvider.IsDefinedExtension(extension))
CompilerInfo ci = CodeDomProvider.GetCompilerInfo(CodeDomProvider.GetLanguageFromExtension(extension));
PropertyInfo pi = ci.GetType().GetProperty("ProviderOptions",
BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.IgnoreCase | BindingFlags.Instance);
if (pi != null)
return (IDictionary<string, string>)pi.GetValue(ci, null);
return null;
return null;
public class CustomCodeRazorHost : WebPageRazorHost
internal const string ApplicationInstancePropertyName = "ApplicationInstance";
internal const string ContextPropertyName = "Context";
internal const string WebDefaultNamespace = "ASP";
private static readonly string _helperPageBaseType = typeof(HelperPage).FullName;
public CustomCodeRazorHost(string virtualPath)
: base(virtualPath)
DefaultBaseClass = _helperPageBaseType;
DefaultNamespace = WebDefaultNamespace;
DefaultDebugCompilation = false;
StaticHelpers = true;
//Version for MVC 3
public override void PostProcessGeneratedCode(CodeCompileUnit codeCompileUnit, CodeNamespace generatedNamespace, CodeTypeDeclaration generatedClass, CodeMemberMethod executeMethod)
// Add additional global imports
generatedNamespace.Imports.AddRange(GetGlobalImports().Select(s => new CodeNamespaceImport(s)).ToArray());
// Create ApplicationInstance property
CodeMemberProperty prop = new CodeMemberProperty()
Name = ApplicationInstancePropertyName,
Type = new CodeTypeReference(typeof(HttpApplication).FullName),
HasGet = true,
HasSet = false,
Attributes = MemberAttributes.Family | MemberAttributes.Final
new CodeMethodReturnStatement(
new CodeCastExpression(
new CodeTypeReference(typeof(HttpApplication).FullName),
new CodePropertyReferenceExpression(
new CodePropertyReferenceExpression(
generatedClass.Members.Insert(0, prop);
// Yank out the execute method (ignored in Razor Web Code pages)
// Make ApplicationInstance static
CodeMemberProperty appInstanceProperty =
.Where(p => ApplicationInstancePropertyName
if (appInstanceProperty != null)
appInstanceProperty.Attributes |= MemberAttributes.Static;
//Version for MVC 4
public override void PostProcessGeneratedCode(CodeGeneratorContext context)
// Add additional global imports
context.Namespace.Imports.AddRange(GetGlobalImports().Select(s => new CodeNamespaceImport(s)).ToArray());
// Create ApplicationInstance property
CodeMemberProperty prop = new CodeMemberProperty()
Name = ApplicationInstancePropertyName,
Type = new CodeTypeReference(typeof(HttpApplication).FullName),
HasGet = true,
HasSet = false,
Attributes = MemberAttributes.Family | MemberAttributes.Final
new CodeMethodReturnStatement(
new CodeCastExpression(
new CodeTypeReference(typeof(HttpApplication).FullName),
new CodePropertyReferenceExpression(
new CodePropertyReferenceExpression(
context.GeneratedClass.Members.Insert(0, prop);
// Yank out the execute method (ignored in Razor Web Code pages)
// Make ApplicationInstance static
CodeMemberProperty appInstanceProperty =
.Where(p => ApplicationInstancePropertyName
if (appInstanceProperty != null)
appInstanceProperty.Attributes |= MemberAttributes.Static;
protected override string GetClassName(string virtualPath)
return ParserHelpers.SanitizeClassName(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(virtualPath));
但是请注意,如果.cshtml文件有语法错误,下次编译就会有问题(因为生成的.cs文件会有编译错误),但是Visual Studio显然有问题来定位问题。
有时,上次构建的编译代码(从 .cs 文件编译)有时会与新更新的 .cshtml 文件冲突。
echo. > $(ProjectDir)\Path\to\.cs\file
只有在 .cshtml 文件已更改(这也适用于我上面编写的代码)时,您才能更复杂地执行此操作。