我在这个语法中的左递归有一个小问题。我正在尝试在 Prolog 中编写它,但我不知道如何删除左递归。

<expression> -> <simple_expression>
<simple_expression> -> <simple_expression> <binary_operator> <simple_expression>
<simple_expression> -> <function>
<function> -> <function> <atom>
<function> -> <atom>
<atom> -> <number> | <variable>

<binary_operator> -> + | - | * | /

expression(Expr) --> simple_expression(SExpr), { Expr = SExpr }.
simple_expression(SExpr) --> simple_expression(SExpr1), binary_operator(Op), simple_expression(SExpr2), { SExpr =.. [Op, SExpr1, SExpr2] }.
simple_expression(SExpr) --> function(Func), { SExpr = Func }.
function(Func) --> function(Func2), atom(At), { Func = [Func2, atom(At)] }.
function(Func) --> atom(At), { Func = At }.



4 回答 4



NT ==> NT'



:- use_module(library(minimal/chart)).
:- use_module(library(experiment/ref)).

:- static 'D'/3.

expr(C) ==> expr(A), [+], term(B), {C is A+B}.
expr(C) ==> expr(A), [-], term(B), {C is A-B}.
expr(A) ==> term(A).

term(C) ==> term(A), [*], factor(B), {C is A*B}.
term(C) ==> term(A), [/], factor(B), {C is A/B}.
term(A) ==> factor(A).

factor(A) ==> [A], {integer(A)}.


?- use_module(library(minimal/hypo)).

?- chart([1,+,2,*,3], N) => chart(expr(X), N).
X = 7

在解析过程中,图表解析器将以自下而上的方式填充图表。对于上述产生式中的每个非终结 p/n,将有事实 p/n+2。以下是上述示例的图表结果:

:- thread_local factor/3.
factor(3, 4, 5).
factor(2, 2, 3).
factor(1, 0, 1).

:- thread_local term/3.
term(3, 4, 5).
term(2, 2, 3).
term(6, 2, 5).
term(1, 0, 1).

:- thread_local expr/3.
expr(3, 4, 5).
expr(2, 2, 3).
expr(6, 2, 5).
expr(1, 0, 1).
expr(3, 0, 3).
expr(7, 0, 5).
于 2012-05-19T16:27:26.197 回答



A->A a1|A a2|....|b1|b2|....


A -> b1 A'|b2 A'|....
A' -> ε | a1 A'| a2 A'|....


function -> atom, functionR.
funtionR -> [].


于 2012-05-19T08:40:02.427 回答

@thanosQR 的答案相当不错,但适用于比 DCG 更一般的上下文,并且需要更改解析树。实际上,解析的“结果”已被删除,这不好。


于 2012-05-19T09:27:57.743 回答

Answer set programming (ASP) provides another route to implement grammars. ASP can be implemented with non-deterministic forward chaining and this is what our library(minimal/asp) provides. The result of ASP are then different models

of the given rules. We use here ASP models to represent a Cocke-Younger-Kasami chart. We begin our chart with the given words we want to parse which are represented by word/3 facts. Compared to DCG we do not pass around anymore

lists but instead word positions. The Prolog text calc2.p shows such an implementation of an ASP based parser. All rules are now (<=)/2 rules, means they are forward chaining rules. And all heads are now choose/1 heads, means they make a ASP

model choice. We explain how expr is realized, the term is realized similary. Since we do not have an automatic translation, we did the translation manually. We will provide the words from right to left and only trigger at the beginning

of each attributed grammar rule:

choose([expr(C, I, O)]) <= posted(expr(A, I, H)), word('+', H, J), term(B, J, O),  C is A+B.
choose([expr(C, I, O)]) <= posted(expr(A, I, H)), word('-', H, J), term(B, J, O),  C is A-B.
choose([expr(B, I, O)]) <= posted(word('-', I, H)), term(A, H, O), B is -A.
choose([expr(A, I, O)]) <= posted(term(A, I, O)).

As can be seen no extra predicate expr_rest was needed and the translation from grammar to rules was 1-1. The same happens for term. The execution of such a grammar requires that first the words are posted from right to left, and the result can

then be read off from the corresponding non-terminal:

?- post(word(78,7,8)), post(word('+',6,7)), post(word(56,5,6)), post(word('*',4,5)),
    post(word(34,3,4)), post(word('+',2,3)), post(word(12,1,2)), post(word('-',0,1)),
X = 1970

We have also made a Prolog text show.p which allows visualizing the ASP model as a parsing chart. We simply use the common triangular matrix representation. The parsing chart for the above arithmetic expression has looks as follows:

enter image description here

Peter Schüller (2018) - Answer Set Programming in Linguistics

User Manual - Module "asp"

于 2020-01-09T14:34:45.390 回答