我使用 OSQL (SQL Server 2000) 并有一个批处理文件,它将 html 源分块为 8xxx 字节的数据。我怎样才能将块恢复到 sql 记录中?以下是详细信息:
osql 语句的批处理文件:
echo use database;>tempsql.sql
echo set indentity_insert tablename ON;>>tempsql.sql
echo insert into tablename (ID, Name, Date, Body_HTML)>>tempsql.sql
echo values ('%id%', '%name%', '%cdate%', '%body_html%');>>tempsql.sql
echo set indentity_insert tablename OFF;>>tempsql.sql
echo go>>tempsql.sql
osql -U user -P pass -d database < tempsql.sql -o sqloutput.rpt
所有变量 BUT %Body_Html% 都适合 8k 堆栈,但 %body_html% 的数据大于 8k(最多 50k),因此必须将其“分块”以适合堆栈。下面只是块例程的一部分,供您查看(非常感谢 jeb 和 dbenham):
@echo off
set count=0
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion EnableExtensions
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ("newhtml.htm") do set FileSize=%%~za
echo FileSize is %FileSize% bytes
if %FileSize% GTR 8159 goto split
rem skip regular insert routine, pick up at :split
set count=0
set /a all_sub=%FileSize% / 8159
set /a all_rem=%FileSize% %% 8159
if %all_rem% NEQ 0 set /a all_ttl=%all_sub% + 1
echo %all_sub% full page(s), %all_rem% bytes(s) leftover, %all_ttl% total pages
chunk newhtml.htm basenam -s8159 -o
set count=0
:: now get accurate file count of basenam.*
for /f "tokens=1*" %%a in ('dir basenam.* ^| find "File"') do (
set setfiles=%%a
echo %setfiles%>setfiles
set count=0
::now show where the break is
echo Loop %count%
SETLOCAL DisableDelayedExpansion
set "all="
FOR /F "usebackq delims=" %%a in (`"findstr /n ^^ basenam.00%count%"`) do (
set "line=%%a"
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
set "line=!line:#=#S!"
set "line=!line:*:=!"
for /F "delims=" %%p in ("!all!#L!line!") do (
set "all=%%p"
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
if defined all (
set "all=!all:~2!"
set ^"all=!all:#L=^
set "all=!all:#S=#!")
:: now display file in 8159 byte chunks, does emit a blank line in between
echo !all!
set /a count=!count! + 1
for /f "tokens=*" %%m in (setfiles) do set setfiles=%%m
if %count% EQU !setfiles! goto end
goto loop1
那么如何将我的块例程与我的 osql 例程合并?我知道我可能不得不嵌套一些 FOR 循环,但我想不出基于上述参数的方法。
和块,可以在这里找到:http ://www.oldskool.org/pc/chunk
编辑:所以看起来我可能需要在 osql 循环中以不同的方式思考逻辑,我怎么能 1)读取多个变量或 2)读取文件,作为变量 %body_html% 到 oqsl 结果文件(sqloutput. rpt)
echo use database;>tempsql.sql
echo set indentity_insert tablename ON;>>tempsql.sql
echo insert into tablename (ID, Name, Date, Body_HTML)>>tempsql.sql
echo values ('%id%', '%name%', '%cdate%', '>>tempsql.sql
rem %body_html%
rem put chunk routine here
rem echo !All!>>tempsql.sql
echo ';>>tempsql.sql
echo set indentity_insert tablename OFF;>>tempsql.sql
echo go>>tempsql.sql