我有一个 Excel 表,我需要遍历每一行,如果它符合某些条件,则将数据放入几个不同的数组之一中。行数是动态的。我在声明数组长度时遇到了一些问题。我可以简单地遍历行,检查我想要的条件,并保持有多少行适合条件 A、条件 B 或条件 C,并使用它来重新调整数组,但有没有更简单的方法?
您没有告诉我们您的“声明数组长度的问题”。我的猜测是您正在从一个范围加载数组,这意味着该行是您无法使用 ReDim 更改的第一个维度。
Dim AllTypes() As Variant
Dim RowCrnt As Long
Dim RowType() As Long
AllTypes = EntireRange.Value
Redim RowType(LBound(AllTypes,1) TO UBound(AllTypes,1))
For RowCrnt = LBound(AllTypes,1) TO UBound(AllTypes,1)
' Classify Row
RowType(RowCrnt) = X
我将 Sheet1 设置为如下所示:
a b c d e f g h i j
b c d e f g h i j k
c d e f g h i j k l
a b c d e f g h i j
b c d e f g h i j k
c d e f g h i j k l
1 2 3 4 5
2 3 4 5 6
3 4 5 6 7
1 2 3 4 5
2 3 4 5 6
3 4 5 6 7
a 1 b 2 c 3
b 2 c 3 d 4
c 3 d 4 e 5
a 1 b 2 c 3
b 2 c 3 d 4
c 3 d 4 e 5
Sub Test3()
Dim ColCrnt As Long
Dim InxTypeACrnt As Long
Dim InxTypeACrntMax As Long
Dim InxTypeBCrnt As Long
Dim InxTypeBCrntMax As Long
Dim InxTypeCCrnt As Long
Dim InxTypeCCrntMax As Long
Dim RowCrnt As Long
Dim RowLast As Long
Dim TypeA() As Variant
Dim TypeB() As Variant
Dim TypeC() As Variant
ReDim TypeA(1 To 2) ' Change 2 to something sensible
ReDim TypeB(1 To 2)
ReDim TypeC(1 To 2)
InxTypeACrntMax = 0
InxTypeBCrntMax = 0
InxTypeCCrntMax = 0
With Worksheets("Sheet1")
RowLast = .Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
' Load each row to the appropriate array
For RowCrnt = 1 To RowLast
If IsNumeric(.Cells(RowCrnt, "A").Value) Then
' Type B. Five numbers
InxTypeBCrntMax = InxTypeBCrntMax + 1
If InxTypeBCrntMax > UBound(TypeB) Then
' Array B full. Resize
ReDim Preserve TypeB(1 To UBound(TypeB) + 2)
End If
TypeB(InxTypeBCrntMax) = _
.Range(.Cells(RowCrnt, 1), .Cells(RowCrnt, 5)).Value
ElseIf IsNumeric(.Cells(RowCrnt, "B").Value) Then
' Type C. Six values, mixed alpha and numeric
InxTypeCCrntMax = InxTypeCCrntMax + 1
If InxTypeCCrntMax > UBound(TypeC) Then
' Array C full. Resize
ReDim Preserve TypeC(1 To UBound(TypeC) + 2)
End If
TypeC(InxTypeCCrntMax) = _
.Range(.Cells(RowCrnt, 1), .Cells(RowCrnt, 6)).Value
' Type A. Ten strings
InxTypeACrntMax = InxTypeACrntMax + 1
If InxTypeACrntMax > UBound(TypeA) Then
' Array A full. Resize
ReDim Preserve TypeA(1 To UBound(TypeA) + 2)
End If
TypeA(InxTypeACrntMax) = _
.Range(.Cells(RowCrnt, 1), .Cells(RowCrnt, 10)).Value
End If
End With
' Display contents of each array
For InxTypeACrnt = 1 To InxTypeACrntMax
For ColCrnt = 1 To 10
' Each element of array TypeA is now a 2D array of size (1 To 1, 1 To 10)
' Note how I access the cells of the inner array
Debug.Print TypeA(InxTypeACrnt)(1, ColCrnt) & " ";
For InxTypeBCrnt = 1 To InxTypeBCrntMax
For ColCrnt = 1 To 5
Debug.Print TypeB(InxTypeBCrnt)(1, ColCrnt) & " ";
For InxTypeCCrnt = 1 To InxTypeCCrntMax
For ColCrnt = 1 To 6
Debug.Print TypeC(InxTypeCCrnt)(1, ColCrnt) & " ";
End Sub