protected void GridView1_Sorting(object sender, GridViewSortEventArgs e)
//What goes in this area?
ObjectDataSource1.SelectParameters["sortBy"].DefaultValue = string.Format("{0} {1}", e.SortExpression, e.SortDirection == SortDirection.Ascending ? "ASC" : "DESC");
e.Cancel = true;
public void CheckExpiredCacheKey(string ckey)
if (Cache[ckey] == null)
Cache[ckey] = new object(); //Set Cache key which will b used to manually expire ODS cache
if (!IsPostBack && Request.QueryString["refresh"] == "1")//check refresh flag
//Cache.Remove(ckey);//NOT NEEDED: use the following instead
Cache[ckey] = new object();// Needed otherwise it'll call Grid-populate twice
这是 Select 方法,在尝试这种对通用列表进行排序和缓存的方式时,sortBy 字符串始终为空?
public class BusinessLogic
[DataObjectMethod(DataObjectMethodType.Select, true)]
public static List<Customer> GetCustomers(int financeId, int startIndex, int pageSize, string sortBy)
return DataAccess.GetCustomers(financeId, startIndex, pageSize, sortBy);