为了获得一个能够在浏览器中运行任意 javascript 代码的界面,并且没有典型的 yo-mama 笑话大小的安全漏洞,Esailija建议使用Web Workers。它们在半沙盒环境中运行(没有 DOM 访问权限并且已经在浏览器中)并且可以被杀死,因此用户不能将它们置于无限循环中。

这是他提出的例子:http: //tuohiniemi.fi/~runeli/petka/workertest.html(打开你的控制台)



整个事情(因为它连接到一个机器人)可以在 github 上找到:worker , evaluator


workercode = "worker.js";

function makeWorkerExecuteSomeCode( code, callback ) {
    var timeout;

    code = code + "";
    var worker = new Worker( workercode );

    worker.addEventListener( "message", function(event) {
        callback( event.data );

        code: code

    timeout = window.setTimeout( function() {
        callback( "Maximum execution time exceeded" );
    }, 1000 );

makeWorkerExecuteSomeCode( '5 + 5', function(answer){
    console.log( answer );

makeWorkerExecuteSomeCode( 'while(true);', function(answer){
    console.log( answer );

var kertoma = 'function kertoma(n){return n === 1 ? 1 : n * kertoma(n-1)}; kertoma(15);';

makeWorkerExecuteSomeCode( kertoma, function(answer){
    console.log( answer );


var global = this;

/* Could possibly create some helper functions here so they are always available when executing code in chat?*/

/* Most extra functions could be possibly unsafe */

    var wl = {
        "self": 1,
        "onmessage": 1,
        "postMessage": 1,
        "global": 1,
        "wl": 1,
        "eval": 1,
        "Array": 1,
        "Boolean": 1,
        "Date": 1,
        "Function": 1,
        "Number" : 1,
        "Object": 1,
        "RegExp": 1,
        "String": 1,
        "Error": 1,
        "EvalError": 1,
        "RangeError": 1,
        "ReferenceError": 1,
        "SyntaxError": 1,
        "TypeError": 1,
        "URIError": 1,
        "decodeURI": 1,
        "decodeURIComponent": 1,
        "encodeURI": 1,
        "encodeURIComponent": 1,
        "isFinite": 1,
        "isNaN": 1,
        "parseFloat": 1,
        "parseInt": 1,
        "Infinity": 1,
        "JSON": 1,
        "Math": 1,
        "NaN": 1,
        "undefined": 1

    Object.getOwnPropertyNames( global ).forEach( function( prop ) {
        if( !wl.hasOwnProperty( prop ) ) {
            Object.defineProperty( global, prop, {
                get : function() {
                    throw new Error( "Security Exception: cannot access "+prop);
                    return 1;
                configurable : false

    Object.getOwnPropertyNames( global.__proto__ ).forEach( function( prop ) {
        if( !wl.hasOwnProperty( prop ) ) {
            Object.defineProperty( global.__proto__, prop, {
                get : function() {
                    throw new Error( "Security Exception: cannot access "+prop);
                    return 1;
                configurable : false

onmessage = function( event ) {
    "use strict";
    var code = event.data.code;
    var result;
    try {
        result = eval( '"use strict";\n'+code );
        result = e.toString();
    postMessage( "(" + typeof result + ")" + " " + result );

2 回答 2


当前代码(如下所列)已经在 Stackoverflow javascript 聊天室中使用了一段时间,到目前为止,最棘手的问题是Array(5000000000).join("adasdadadasd")当我运行代码执行器机器人时,我会立即崩溃一些浏览器选项卡。MonkeypatchingArray.prototype.join似乎已经解决了这个问题,并且 50 毫秒的最大执行时间对于任何其他占用内存或使浏览器崩溃的尝试都有效。

var global = this;

/* Could possibly create some helper functions here so they are always available when executing code in chat?*/

/* Most extra functions could be possibly unsafe */

var wl = {
    "self": 1,
    "onmessage": 1,
    "postMessage": 1,
    "global": 1,
    "wl": 1,
    "eval": 1,
    "Array": 1,
    "Boolean": 1,
    "Date": 1,
    "Function": 1,
    "Number" : 1,
    "Object": 1,
    "RegExp": 1,
    "String": 1,
    "Error": 1,
    "EvalError": 1,
    "RangeError": 1,
    "ReferenceError": 1,
    "SyntaxError": 1,
    "TypeError": 1,
    "URIError": 1,
    "decodeURI": 1,
    "decodeURIComponent": 1,
    "encodeURI": 1,
    "encodeURIComponent": 1,
    "isFinite": 1,
    "isNaN": 1,
    "parseFloat": 1,
    "parseInt": 1,
    "Infinity": 1,
    "JSON": 1,
    "Math": 1,
    "NaN": 1,
    "undefined": 1

Object.getOwnPropertyNames( global ).forEach( function( prop ) {
    if( !wl.hasOwnProperty( prop ) ) {
        Object.defineProperty( global, prop, {
            get : function() {
                throw "Security Exception: cannot access "+prop;
                return 1;
            configurable : false

Object.getOwnPropertyNames( global.__proto__ ).forEach( function( prop ) {
    if( !wl.hasOwnProperty( prop ) ) {
        Object.defineProperty( global.__proto__, prop, {
            get : function() {
                throw "Security Exception: cannot access "+prop;
                return 1;
            configurable : false

Object.defineProperty( Array.prototype, "join", {

    writable: false,
    configurable: false,
    enumerable: false,

    value: function(old){
        return function(arg){
            if( this.length > 500 || (arg && arg.length > 500 ) ) {
                throw "Exception: too many items";

            return old.apply( this, arguments );


    var cvalues = [];

    var console = {
        log: function(){
            cvalues = cvalues.concat( [].slice.call( arguments ) );

    function objToResult( obj ) {
        var result = obj;
        switch( typeof result ) {
            case "string":
                return '"' + result + '"';
            case "number":
            case "boolean":
            case "undefined":
            case "null":
            case "function":
                return result + "";
            case "object":
                if( !result ) {
                    return "null";
                else if( result.constructor === Object || result.constructor === Array ) {
                    var type = ({}).toString.call( result );
                    var stringified;
                    try {
                        stringified = JSON.stringify(result);
                    catch(e) {
                        return ""+e;
                    return type + " " + stringified;
                else {
                    return ({}).toString.call( result );



    onmessage = function( event ) {
        "use strict";
        var code = event.data.code;
        var result;
        try {
            result = eval( '"use strict";\n'+code );
        catch(e) {
            postMessage( e.toString() );
        result = objToResult( result );
        if( cvalues && cvalues.length ) {
            result = result + cvalues.map( function( value, index ) {
                return "Console log "+(index+1)+":" + objToResult(value);
            }).join(" ");
        postMessage( (""+result).substr(0,400) );

于 2012-05-29T09:42:24.173 回答


如果我将代码放在网页和工作人员组合中的问题(或接受的答案)中,并在 Chrome 38 上执行以下代码:

makeWorkerExecuteSomeCode('event.target.XMLHttpRequest', function (answer) { console.log( answer ); });


function XMLHttpRequest() { [native code] } 

但是它在 FF 中不起作用。Chrome中的错误?

我发现的另一件事,但似乎并没有把兔子洞引向很远的地方,那就是恢复console.log。这适用于 FF 31 但不适用于 Chrome 38:

    'var c = self.__proto__.__proto__.__lookupGetter__("console").call(self); c.log("FOO");', 
    function (answer) { console.log(answer) });

这将登录"FOO"到控制台,而不会通过console.log网络工作者提供的虚假信息。上面的代码使用self,它可以被列入黑名单(通过从白名单中删除)但thisglobal可以工作。我发现global在 FF 和 Chrome 上尝试黑名单失败:工作人员因错误而死亡。

注意:Chrome 拒绝加入黑名单Intl,因此必须将其添加到白名单中才能运行代码。

于 2014-11-07T09:40:37.427 回答