我在我的 Razor 视图(Catalog
视图)中使用 Telerik asp.net MVC 3 文件控件,如下所示:
.Async(async => async.Save("Save", "Catalog").AutoUpload(true))
.ClientEvents(events => events
public ActionResult Save(IEnumerable<HttpPostedFileBase> orderImageAtachment, string CompID)
// The Name of the Upload component is "attachments"
foreach (var file in orderImageAtachment)
// Some browsers send file names with full path. This needs to be stripped.
var fileName = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName);
var physicalPath = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Content/Docs"), fileName);
// The files are not actually saved in this demo
// Return an empty string to signify success
return Content("");
function onSuccess(e) {
// Array with information about the uploaded files
var files = e.files;
if (e.operation == "upload") {
alert("Successfully uploaded " + files.length + " files");
function onError(e) {
alert('Error in file upload');
// Array with information about the uploaded files
var files = e.files;
if (e.operation == "upload") {
alert("Failed to uploaded " + files.length + " files");
// Suppress the default error message
我得到打开浏览窗口的选择按钮。但是单击它什么也没做......我不确定出了什么问题。我需要在 web.config 中添加一些东西吗?请建议。