I'd like to jazz up our map interface which uses microsoft's bing maps. I'm tired of the default blue control that you see on every page.

I'm not a graphic designer so I was wondering if anyone had created custom map controls which they wouldn't mind sharing with the community for commercial purposes.

I really like the one that harley-davidson developed here: http://rideplanner.harley-davidson.com/rideplanner/ridePlanner.jsp?locale=en_US

Harley Davidson Map Control As of June 30, 2009
(source: blakerobertson.com)

Edit 1: Still am interested. Edit 2: Still interested...


1 回答 1


如果您使用 JavaScript,则使用地图选项简单地隐藏默认导航控件。然后使用绝对定位在地图顶部覆盖一个 div,并在其中创建自定义导航控件。jQuery UI 滑块可以用作缩放滑块。

如果您正在使用其他 Bing 地图控件之一,例如 Silverlight、WPF 或 Windows 8,则可以通过隐藏默认控件并在 XAML 中创建自定义控件来完成类似的过程。

于 2014-01-14T13:24:46.557 回答