I designed a web application using asp.net . Now I want to publish this site on IIS server using a static IP address.

The steps that I did as follows:

  1. under IIS sites folder I created a new site.
  2. I selected the website name, application pool, physical path of the web app folder, the protocol (HTTP), public IP address and the port(80). Then , I tried to browse and I got this error :

    "The requested page cannot be accessed because the related configuration data for the page is invalid."

Could you please help me to identify the problem or which steps I missed.


1 回答 1


池 .netframework 版本不正确(可能它需要 v4.0 而您的池只有 v2.0)或模式不正确(经典或集成)。另一个因素是共享发布文件夹,(右键单击文件夹,使用 Windows 资源管理器 > 属性 > 共享 > 将其共享给“每个人”读写。

于 2015-09-20T12:51:24.520 回答