我使用默认的 WebBrowser 控件在 C# 中编写了一个非常小的网站机器人。实际上,几乎所有东西都按照它应该的方式工作,但我似乎在自动化的最后一步遇到了问题。

该网站是使用多个 iframe 构建的。这没什么大不了的,因为我只是使用访问这些框架及其元素


但是,当 IFRAME 的源托管在与实际网站不同的域上时,这不起作用。当我在互联网上搜索我的问题的答案时,我偶然发现了一篇提到这个特定问题的 MSDN 文章,他们指的是针对跨站点脚本的安全措施,这可能是导致此错误的原因。

我真的找不到禁用此功能的方法,所以我继续并决定重新编码所有内容以使用 geckofx-12 而不是默认(基于 IE)的 Web 浏览器控件,但我遇到了类似的问题......

我的问题是:有什么办法可以绕过这种烦人的行为?我并不真正关心安全问题或是否正在使用 geckofx 或默认 Web 浏览器控件,我只想以编程方式访问托管在不同域上的站点的元素,而不会遇到 UnauthorizedAccessException。



3 回答 3



 public class CrossFrameIE
    // Returns null in case of failure.
    public static IHTMLDocument2 GetDocumentFromWindow(IHTMLWindow2 htmlWindow)
        if (htmlWindow == null)
            return null;

        // First try the usual way to get the document.
            IHTMLDocument2 doc = htmlWindow.document;                

            return doc;
        catch (COMException comEx)
            // I think COMException won't be ever fired but just to be sure ...
            if (comEx.ErrorCode != E_ACCESSDENIED)
                return null;
        catch (System.UnauthorizedAccessException)
            // Any other error.
            return null;

        // At this point the error was E_ACCESSDENIED because the frame contains a document from another domain.
        // IE tries to prevent a cross frame scripting security issue.
            // Convert IHTMLWindow2 to IWebBrowser2 using IServiceProvider.
            IServiceProvider sp = (IServiceProvider)htmlWindow;

            // Use IServiceProvider.QueryService to get IWebBrowser2 object.
            Object brws = null;
            sp.QueryService(ref IID_IWebBrowserApp, ref IID_IWebBrowser2, out brws);

            // Get the document from IWebBrowser2.
            IWebBrowser2 browser = (IWebBrowser2)(brws);

            return (IHTMLDocument2)browser.Document;

        return null;

    private const int E_ACCESSDENIED = unchecked((int)0x80070005L);
    private static Guid IID_IWebBrowserApp = new Guid("0002DF05-0000-0000-C000-000000000046");
    private static Guid IID_IWebBrowser2 = new Guid("D30C1661-CDAF-11D0-8A3E-00C04FC9E26E");

// This is the COM IServiceProvider interface, not System.IServiceProvider .Net interface!
[ComImport(), ComVisible(true), Guid("6D5140C1-7436-11CE-8034-00AA006009FA"),
public interface IServiceProvider
    [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I4)]
    int QueryService(ref Guid guidService, ref Guid riid, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] out object ppvObject);
于 2013-02-02T11:06:08.800 回答

我更新了 Daniel Bogdan 稍微发布的 hack 以使用扩展方法,并为您提供了一种无需进入 mshtml 命名空间即可调用它的方法:

using mshtml;
using SHDocVw;
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace TradeAutomation
    public static class CrossFrameIE
        private static FieldInfo ShimManager = typeof(HtmlWindow).GetField("shimManager", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
        private static ConstructorInfo HtmlDocumentCtor = typeof(HtmlDocument).GetConstructors(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)[0];

        public static HtmlDocument GetDocument(this HtmlWindow window)
            var rawDocument = (window.DomWindow as IHTMLWindow2).GetDocumentFromWindow();

            var shimManager = ShimManager.GetValue(window);

            var htmlDocument = HtmlDocumentCtor
                .Invoke(new[] { shimManager, rawDocument }) as HtmlDocument;

            return htmlDocument;

        // Returns null in case of failure.
        public static IHTMLDocument2 GetDocumentFromWindow(this IHTMLWindow2 htmlWindow)
            if (htmlWindow == null)
                return null;

            // First try the usual way to get the document.
                IHTMLDocument2 doc = htmlWindow.document;

                return doc;
            catch (COMException comEx)
                // I think COMException won't be ever fired but just to be sure ...
                if (comEx.ErrorCode != E_ACCESSDENIED)
                    return null;
            catch (System.UnauthorizedAccessException)
                // Any other error.
                return null;

            // At this point the error was E_ACCESSDENIED because the frame contains a document from another domain.
            // IE tries to prevent a cross frame scripting security issue.
                // Convert IHTMLWindow2 to IWebBrowser2 using IServiceProvider.
                IServiceProvider sp = (IServiceProvider)htmlWindow;

                // Use IServiceProvider.QueryService to get IWebBrowser2 object.
                Object brws = null;
                sp.QueryService(ref IID_IWebBrowserApp, ref IID_IWebBrowser2, out brws);

                // Get the document from IWebBrowser2.
                IWebBrowser2 browser = (IWebBrowser2)(brws);

                return (IHTMLDocument2)browser.Document;

            return null;

        private const int E_ACCESSDENIED = unchecked((int)0x80070005L);
        private static Guid IID_IWebBrowserApp = new Guid("0002DF05-0000-0000-C000-000000000046");
        private static Guid IID_IWebBrowser2 = new Guid("D30C1661-CDAF-11D0-8A3E-00C04FC9E26E");

    // This is the COM IServiceProvider interface, not System.IServiceProvider .Net interface!
    [ComImport(), ComVisible(true), Guid("6D5140C1-7436-11CE-8034-00AA006009FA"),
    public interface IServiceProvider
        [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I4)]
        int QueryService(ref Guid guidService, ref Guid riid, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] out object ppvObject);



正如我在上面的评论中提到的,您还需要添加对 SHDocVw 的引用。您可以在此处找到相关说明:使用 Visual C# 2010 Express 在 C# 项目中添加参考“SHDocVw”

于 2018-01-14T22:02:25.073 回答


使用 geckofx 12 看起来这可能由 nsIDOMHTMLDocument.SetDomainAttribute 完成(GeckoDocument.Domain 没有设置器,但您可以轻松添加它)

IE. 如果您更改文档的域以匹配子框架,您可能能够访问它。

于 2012-05-18T03:23:48.710 回答