我是 javascript 的新手,所以请多多包涵。我试图让一个跨度出现在我已经完成的点击上,但是一旦点击另一个链接,我需要它返回隐藏状态。这就是我到目前为止所拥有的。


    left: 0;

var state = 'hidden'; 

function showApp(a) { 

    if (state == 'visible') { 
        state = 'hidden'; 
    else { 
        state = 'visible'; 

    if (document.getElementById && !document.all) { 
        x = document.getElementById(a); 
        x.style.visibility = state; 


        <aside class="apps">
            <a href="javascript://" onclick="showApp('app1');">link1</a>
                <span class="socialApp" id="app1">stuff goes here1</span>
            <a href="javascript://" onclick="showApp('app2');">link2</a>
                <span class="socialApp" id="app2">stuff goes here2</span>
            <a href="javascript://" onclick="showApp('app3');">link3</a>
                <span class="socialApp" id="app3">stuff goes here3</span>
            <a href="javascript://" onclick="showApp('app4');">link4</a>
                <span class="socialApp" id="app4">stuff goes here4</span>

当前,当单击链接 1 时,会出现 app1,然后单击链接 2 后,应用 2 会出现在链接 1 的上方。当链接 2 关闭时,链接 1 仍然可见。我需要检查所有 4 个并隐藏当前选择之外的所有内容。


5 回答 5


Slight update; the function is now self-contained.

This should work how you want; it will pull up the correct span, and will hide it again if it is clicked again.

Here is the code again:

    <aside class="apps" id="aside">
        <a href="#" onclick="showApp('app1');">link1</a>
            <span class="socialApp" id="app1">stuff goes here1</span>
        <a href="#" onclick="showApp('app2');">link2</a>
            <span class="socialApp" id="app2">stuff goes here2</span>
        <a href="#" onclick="showApp('app3');">link3</a>
            <span class="socialApp" id="app3">stuff goes here3</span>
        <a href="#" onclick="showApp('app4');">link4</a>
            <span class="socialApp" id="app4">stuff goes here4</span>


function showApp(a) {
    var aside = document.getElementById('aside');
    var arr = aside.getElementsByTagName('span');
    for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
        if (arr[i].getAttribute('id') != a) {
            arr[i].style.visibility = 'hidden';
    var state;
    x = document.getElementById(a);
    if (x.style.visibility == 'visible') {
        state = 'hidden';
    else {
        state = 'visible';
    x.style.visibility = state;
于 2012-05-17T19:42:45.743 回答

I recommend using JQuery. It has cross browser support and makes simple work of things like this ;).

include the following in your tags

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js"></script>

Here is the new script

<script type="text/javascript">
    function showApp(a) {

change your html to this

<aside class="apps">
    <a href="#" onclick="showApp('#app1');">link1</a>
        <span class="socialApp" id="app1">stuff goes here1</span>
    <a href="#" onclick="showApp('#app2');">link2</a>
        <span class="socialApp" id="app2">stuff goes here2</span>
    <a href="#" onclick="showApp('#app3');">link3</a>
        <span class="socialApp" id="app3">stuff goes here3</span>
    <a href="#" onclick="showApp('#app4');">link4</a>
        <span class="socialApp" id="app4">stuff goes here4</span>

change your css to this


    left: 0;

.selected {
    visibility: visible;   

JSFiddle Example: http://jsfiddle.net/peterf/u2SFL/

于 2012-05-17T20:05:28.340 回答


    left: 0;

function showApp(a) { 
    var aside = document.getElementById('myaside');
    var spans = aside.getElementsByTagName('span');
     spans[i].style.visibility = 'hidden';
    x = document.getElementById(a);  
    x.style.visibility = 'visible';  



        <aside class="apps" id="myaside">
            <a href="javascript://" onclick="showApp('app1');">link1</a>
                <span class="socialApp" id="app1">stuff goes here1</span>
            <a href="javascript://" onclick="showApp('app2');">link2</a>
                <span class="socialApp" id="app2">stuff goes here2</span>
            <a href="javascript://" onclick="showApp('app3');">link3</a>
                <span class="socialApp" id="app3">stuff goes here3</span>
            <a href="javascript://" onclick="showApp('app4');">link4</a>
                <span class="socialApp" id="app4">stuff goes here4</span>


As you are new to javascript, just dont dive into jQuery because its easier for someone else and they will throw a code whenever you ask.

Not me, but all the great javascript developers suggest you to learn javascript before learning its framework.

Also, jQuery is there to ease things, to simply the code and to separate markup and javascript.

You should not now but if you are willing to try later, you should follow an approach like this. (No onclick in markup and a simpler code)

    left: 0;
<script src='http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js'></script>
    $('aside').on('click','a',function(){      // This lines says that select aside and fire onclick even on click of anchor tag inside it
        $(this).parent().find('span').hide();    // $(this) is the clicked anchor
        $(this).next('span').show();    // Find the span next to clicked anchor and show it i.e. display:block

<aside class="apps">
    <a href="javascript:void(0);">link1</a>
        <span class="socialApp" id="app1">stuff goes here1</span>
    <a href="javascript:void(0);" >link2</a>
        <span class="socialApp" id="app2">stuff goes here2</span>
    <a href="javascript:void(0);" >link3</a>
        <span class="socialApp" id="app3">stuff goes here3</span>
    <a href="javascript:void(0);" >link4</a>
        <span class="socialApp" id="app4">stuff goes here4</span>
于 2012-05-17T19:23:58.567 回答

You should keep track of the currently visible item in a variable (which is initially null).

Every time showApp is called, hide the currently visible item.

Then make the span that has just been clicked visible and remember that it is now the currently visible item (unless the one that has just been clicked is the same one that has been visible until now - in that case you shouldn't make anything visible and there no longer is a currently visible item).

于 2012-05-17T19:42:03.393 回答

and welcome to Stack Overflow!

First off, I am going to suggest you make use of jQuery assist you with your JavaScript. jQuery (and other similar frameworks like Zepto, MooTools and Dojo) irons over some of the cracks in JavaScript such as cross browser inconsistencies and will make things a lot easier. To include jQuery in your project you just need to add the following in your page's <head> tag:

<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js"></script>

Now you've got access to jQuery you can remove all of the onclick attributes you added to your <a> tags. The use of onclick tags is discouraged as it dates back to the early days of web development before DOM Level 1 standard was (almost) agreed upon. Instead it's suggested you bind to the 'click' event - this will help to keep your HTML and JavaScript separated and in turn make your JavaScript easier to read and debug.

jQuery makes it really easy to bind a handler (function) to a click event, you just need to use the on syntax:

// #id is the 'id' attribute of the element you want to add a click handler to.
$('#id').on('click', function () { alert("Clicked!"); }); 

jQuery also provides a quick and easy way to show and hide elements on the page via show and hide, here how it works:

// Again, #id is the id attribute of the element you want to show/hide.
$('#id').show();    // Make a hidden element visible.
$('#id').hide();    // Hide a visible element.

The only thing to watch out for here is that when you 'hide' an element using jQuery it actually sets the display CSS attribute of the element. In your code above, you were hiding elements by toggling the visibility attribute.

The last part of the answer lies in how we the currently visible element; this can be achieved by adding a new variable which keeps track of which element is being displayed - you can see this in my modified code below.

span.socialApp {
    /* use display: none instead of visibilty: hidden */
    display: none;

    left: 0;

        <!-- include jQuery -->
        <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js"></script>

        <!-- Script for toggle apps -->
// Create an Array of all the app names.
var apps = [ 'app1', 'app2', 'app3' ];

// Variable which keeps track of which app is currently visible
var visibleAppName = null;

function onLinkClicked(event) {
    // Get the id of the link that was clicked.
    var linkName = event.target.id;

    // Strip off the '-link' from the end of the linkName
    var dashIndex = linkName.indexOf('-link');
    var appName = linkName.substr(0, dashIndex);

    // Call show app with the correct appName.

function showApp(appNameToShow) { 
    // Hide the currently visible app (if there is one!)
    if (visibleAppName !== null) {
        $('#' + visibleAppName).hide();

    // And show the one passed
    $('#' + appNameToShow).show();

    // Update the visibleApp property.
    visibleAppName = appNameToShow;

// $(document).ready waits for the page to finish rendering
$(document).ready(function () {
    // Walk through the Array of Apps and add a click handler to
    // it's respective link.
    apps.forEach(function(name) {
        $('#' + name + '-link').on('click', onLinkClicked);
            <aside class="apps">
            <a href="#" id="app1-link">link1</a>
            <span class="socialApp" id="app1">stuff goes here1</span>

            <a href="#" id="app2-link">link2</a>
            <span class="socialApp" id="app2">stuff goes here2</span>

            <a href="#" id="app3-link">link2</a>
            <span class="socialApp" id="app3">stuff goes here3</span>            

If you're keen to learn more about JavaScript development then may I suggest reading Object Orientation JavaScript which provides an excellent introduction to the language and some of it's quirks.

于 2012-05-17T20:04:55.633 回答