我正在尝试提供一个单选按钮列表来从 MVC 3 模型中的一小组字符串中选择一个选项。我正在研究的是调查中问题的编辑器模板。

到目前为止,我遵循了Brad Christie 的建议,这使我能够正确渲染视图。以下是相关代码:

模型 - Question.cs

(注意,这实际上是一个模型优先的 EF 实体,但我认为这并不重要)

public class Question {
    // snip unimportant properties
    public string QuestionType { get; set; }

查看 - Question.cshtml

// snip unimportant view code

<div class="control-group">
    @Html.LabelFor(model => model.QuestionType, "Question Type")
    <div class="controls">
        @Html.EditorFor(model => model.QuestionType, "QuestionType")
        @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.QuestionType)

查看 - QuestionType.cshtml

@model System.String

    var questionTypes = new String[] { "PickOne", "PickMany", "OpenEnded" };
    var typesMap = new Dictionary<String, String> {
        { "PickOne", "Pick a single answer" },
        { "PickMany", "Pick several answers" },
        { "OpenEnded", "Open-ended answer" }

@foreach (var questionType in questionTypes) {
    <label class="radio">
        @Html.RadioButtonFor(model => model, questionType)

尽管该视图创建了正确的 HTML,但当我为调查加载编辑器视图时,在页面加载时未预先选择与其问题类型对应的单选按钮。我假设这与模型绑定有关?

如何根据数据库中存在的选项预先选择正确的单选按钮?如果它很重要,我将使用模型优先实体框架 4 作为我的持久层。


1 回答 1


Based on RadioButtonFor not selecting value in editor templates

Your model binding is fine, the issue is just that

@Html.RadioButtonFor(model => model, questionType)

corresponds to an empty name, and RadioButtonFor never checks radio buttons with empty names.

You should be able to do

@Html.RadioButton("", questionType, questionType == Model)
于 2012-05-18T00:29:11.677 回答