I haven't used eclipse in a while and I need someone to help me with a problem I'm having. There's a project in a Subversion repository and I need to update a few JSPs. I have installed eclipse, subclipse plugin and running tomcat within the eclipse IDE. What is the best way to get the project (in subversion) into eclipse, edit the files, save & run them in tomcat (localhost - so that I can see my changes in the browser), all within Eclipse?

I tried:

  • within my workspace using eclipse, create a new project and import the project from svn into the newly created project
  • directly importing the project by selecting FILE -->"import" --> "Create a new project by checking out an existing project from a SVN repository"

Neither of these methods will show the project in the "Add and Remove Projects" dialog box for tomcat to run it. I'm obviously doing something wrong, but I don't know what.

Thanks. I appreciate your help.


1 回答 1


经过三天尝试在不同的论坛和谷歌上回答这个问题后,我终于找到了我正在寻找的答案。您可以在 Using Subclipse (the Subversion Plug-in for Eclipse) for Configuration Management中查看它 希望这对感兴趣的人有所帮助。

于 2012-05-17T17:14:01.453 回答