我正在尝试编写/修改一个函数来清除 Windows 文件系统上的非法文件名(由我们网络的 OS X 客户端放置在那里)。该脚本工作得很好,但是当尝试在正则表达式中传递某些元字符时,在 -AllMatches 中执行的检查对于正匹配返回 false(使用故意非法命名的文件夹进行测试)。如果字符是单独完成的(不使用提供的循环),它们返回 true。我已经尝试了所有转义方法(以及两者的组合,\ 和`),但没有运气。其他特殊字符也可以正常工作(例如 &)。
function Check-IllegalCharacters ($Path, [switch]$Fix, [switch]$Verbose)
Write-Host Checking files in $Path, please wait...
#Get all files and folders under the path specified
$items = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Recurse
foreach ($item in $items)
#Check if the item is a file or a folder
if ($item.PSIsContainer) { $type = "Folder" }
else { $type = "File" }
#Report item has been found if verbose mode is selected
if ($Verbose) { Write-Host Found a $type called $item.FullName }
#Check if item name is 128 characters or more in length
if ($item.Name.Length -gt 127)
Write-Host $type $item.Name is 128 characters or over and will need to be truncated -ForegroundColor Red
#$illegalChars = '[<>?*|/\:"]' $illegalChars = '[&{}~#%]'
#Got this from http://powershell.com/cs/blogs/tips/archive/2011/05/20/finding-multiple-regex-matches.aspx
$illegalChars = '[&{}~#%]'
filter Matches($illegalChars)
$item.Name | Select-String -AllMatches $illegalChars |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Matches
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Values
#Replace illegal characters with legal characters where found
$newFileName = $item.Name
Matches $illegalChars | ForEach-Object {
Write-Host $type $item.FullName has the illegal character $_.Value -ForegroundColor Red
#These characters may be used on the file system but not SharePoint
if ($_.Value -match "&") { $newFileName = ($newFileName -replace "&", "and") }
if ($_.Value -match "{") { $newFileName = ($newFileName -replace "{", "(") }
if ($_.Value -match "}") { $newFileName = ($newFileName -replace "}", ")") }
if ($_.Value -match "~") { $newFileName = ($newFileName -replace "~", "-") }
if ($_.Value -match "#") { $newFileName = ($newFileName -replace "#", "") }
if ($_.Value -match "%") { $newFileName = ($newFileName -replace "%", "") }
#Check for start, end and double periods
if ($newFileName.StartsWith(".")) { Write-Host $type $item.FullName starts with a period -ForegroundColor red }
while ($newFileName.StartsWith(".")) { $newFileName = $newFileName.TrimStart(".") }
if ($newFileName.EndsWith(".")) { Write-Host $type $item.FullName ends with a period -ForegroundColor Red }
while ($newFileName.EndsWith(".")) { $newFileName = $newFileName.TrimEnd(".") }
if ($newFileName.Contains("..")) { Write-Host $type $item.FullName contains double periods -ForegroundColor red }
while ($newFileName.Contains("..")) { $newFileName = $newFileName.Replace("..", ".") }
#Fix file and folder names if found and the Fix switch is specified
if (($newFileName -ne $item.Name) -and ($Fix))
Rename-Item $item.FullName -NewName ($newFileName)
Write-Host $type $item.Name has been changed to $newFileName -ForegroundColor Blue
编辑:为了进一步澄清,这里的函数按原样工作正常,只有在将正则表达式(并在必要时转义)更改为另一个变体 $illegalChars = '[<>?*|/\:"]' 时,它不再正常运行。它会运行得很好,没有错误,但是它不会捕获任何包含这些字符的文件或文件夹。
该函数可以被加载,然后通过执行'Check-IllegalCharacters -Path $path -Verbose'来运行